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"Albert! Don't forget the pierogis." Jacob shouts as he, Newt and Jason, all wearing matching morning suits, stand in the main area of Jacob's bakery. "Yes, Mr. K." Albert said and he starts to leave. "Albert!" Jacob shouts and Albert turns to him. "No more than eight minutes on the kolaczkis." Jacob tells. "Yes, Mr. K." Albert said as Jacob tries to work his tie but was losing the battle.

"He's a sweet kid. He doesn't know the difference between paszteciki and golabki." Jacob tells Newt and Jason when Queenie, wearing a beautiful lace gown. "Hey, sweetheart." she said, making Jacob jump. "What?!" He shouts, panicked, then he covers his eyes, so he wouldn't see Queenie before their wedding.

"Newt and Jason don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what you're talking about." Queenie said as she goes to fix his tie then she turns to Newt. "Are you all right, honey?" she asked, eyeing him as he looked a bit nervous. "You're nervous about the speech. Don't be nervous." she assures him then she turns to Jacob. "Tell him, honey." she said. "Don't be nervous about the speech." Jacob repeated as he tries to pat Newt's shoulder. "I'm not nervous." Newt assures then Jacob sniffs the air. 

"What is the smell? Why is there burning? Albert?!" Jacob shouts and he rushes off while Queenie rolls her eyes. "Maybe we're nervous about something else, huh?" Queenie asked, giving him a knowing look. "I can't imagine what you're talking about." Newt said and Queenie smiles knowingly, then moves off.

Jason looks over at Newt and gives a comforting smile to him. "Hey, Newt." He said and Newt turns to him. "Don't be nervous. She will say yes. She's mad about you." Jason said and Newt smiles, bashful. "I know..." Newt mutters but he bites his lips. "I guess there's always that small fear that she'll say no." 

Jason gives him a small smile and pats his shoulder again then Newt let's out sigh. "I'm going to step outside for a moment." Newt said and Jason nods as Newt walks out of the bakery and stands outside of the building.

He lets out a breath then pulls out a piece of paper and started to read the words he wrote to himself. "Ever since I first met you on that first trip to Hogwarts, I knew there was something special about you; even if I didn't fully know it yet...." He reads then he heard footsteps.

He raises and turns his head, pockets the paper, where he sees Tina, Edmund, (y/n) and her father. "Hey, Newt." Tina greeted and she and Newt go to hug each other. "Everything good?" He asked her. "Yeah, yeah, everything's fine." Tina said as they pull back from the embrace. "The maid of honor, I presume?" Newt asked Tina and she nods. "The best man, I gather?" She asked him and he nods. "Well, I'm gonna go check on Queenie." Tina said and she heads inside.

Then Newt turns to Edmund and Mr (l/n). "Gentlemen." He greets. "Newt, how are you?" Mr (l/n) said as he and Newt shake hands. "I'm surprised you're here, Mr (l/n)." Newt said. "Well, (y/n) has told me so much about your adventures, I just had to meet these people." He said and he looks towards the window of the bakery and sees the others inside.

"Well, I hope you enjoy." Newt tells him and he smiles and pats Newt's shoulder as he and Edmund head inside the bakery.

That left Newt and (y/n) alone. "Hi." He said. "Hi." She said, smiling, and the two share a chuckle and Newt looks at the dress (y/n) is wearing. "You...you look beautiful." He said and (y/n) blushes at this. "Thank you. And you look handsome." She said as she walks up to him then straightens up his bowtie.

As she does this, Newt stares at her, lovingly, then she noticed his stare. "What? Something on my face?" She asked, a bit of sarcasm in her voice. "No, I just..." he stops and she raises an eyebrow at this. "There's something...I gotta ask you." Newt said and her face turns to curiosity.

He stares at her for a few more moments before he speaks up. "Um...from...I mean...well..." he sighs, a bit frustrated with himself. "Newt, you okay?" (Y/n) asked him, concerned. "I, uh...had a speech written out and...I guess my nerves are not letting me say it." He said and he pulls out a small box.

(Y/n) looks at it then her eyes widen as she started to put two and two together. "Newt...." she whispered, shocked, as Newt gives her a bashful smile. "There was so much I wanted to say but...I will say this...(y/n), will you marry me?" He asked her, opening the box which had a beautiful diamond ring inside, and she gasped and placed a hand over her mouth.

"Oh my gosh, Newt. Yes! Yes! Of course, I will!" She cried and Newt's smile grew bigger, relief washed over him, and they embrace each other. Then they pull back from the embrace and Newt places the ring on her finger. "Should we tell the others?" Newt asked her and she looks through the window and sees Jacob talking to Edmund and her father, who seemed to enjoy Jacob's company. "Let's wait til after the wedding." (Y/n) said, winking, and Newt leans in and kisses her.

"Hello." Theseus's voice said and the two break the kiss and turn to see Theseus and Lally walking up to them. "Look who's here." (Y/n) said. "How are you?" Theseus asked and Newt and (y/n) nod, smiling. "You look wonderful, Lally." Newt compliments. "Well, thank you, Newt. I appreciate it. Good luck." Lally said. Then she looks through the window. "Oh, Tina's here. I've gotta talk to her to see how MACUSA's been." Lally said and she slips inside.

"What about me? How do I look?" Theseus asked Newt and (y/n). "You look fine." Newt said and Theseus notices the looks on their faces. "You okay?" he asked them. "Yeah, I'm all right." Newt said and (y/n) nods. "You're not nervous, are you? Can't be nervous about a speech after saving the world." Theseus said and (y/n) bites back a big smile.
"What?" He asked and Newt and (y/n) share a look. "We'll tell you later." Newt said and Theseus looks between them, suspiciously. "Okay..." he said, unsure, and makes his way inside.
Newt looks down at (y/n) and gives her a quick kiss. Then he raises his eyes over (y/n) and see Dumbledore sitting on the bus bench across the street. (Y/n) noticed his look and he follows his gaze then smiles and the couple walk across the snowy street.

"It's a historic day. Where once was before, there will now be after. Funny how historic days seem so ordinary when you're living them." Dumbledore said. "Well, perhaps, that's what happens when the world gets things right." Newt said. "It's jolly nice to know it happens occasionally." Dumbledore said.

"I didn't know if we'd see you here." (y/n) said. "I wasn't sure you would, either." Dumbledore said then Queenie sticks her head out of the bakery. "Hey, Newt." she calls out and Newt turns. "Yes." he calls back. "Jacob seems to think he's lost the ring. Please tell me you've got it." Queenie said. "No, it's all good." Newt said as Pickett pops out of his pocket, clutching a simple band with a small, but lovely, chip of a diamond.

"Oh good!" She calls out, smiles, then heads inside the bakery. "Good man, Pick." Newt whispered then he turns to Dumbledore. "We should probably..." (y/n) said and Dumbledore says nothing, still staring off. "Thank you, Newt and (y/n)." he said.
"What for?" Newt and (y/n) asked him. "Pick your poison. I really couldn't have done it without you two." Dumbledore said and the two nods and smile. Dumbledore merely nods back and the couple start to go but stop.

"I'd do it again, by the way. Should you ask." Newt said and (y/n) nods. "Me too." She said and Dumbledore nods and they start to walk when Dumbledore speaks up. "By the way, congratulations." He said as he nods towards (y/n)'s hand, the ring specifically. The two smile and they head into the bakery

Dumbledore watches from a distance for a moment, looks around, then rises. Inside, Queenie steps forward to join Jacob in front of a Magical Minister. Queenie turns to look at him, as behind, Newt, Tina, (y/n), Lally, Theseus, Albert, Jason, Edmund and Mr (l/n) gather around, watching.

"Wow. You're so beautiful." Jacob said to her, in awe, and Queenie smiles while (y/n) leans her head against Newt's shoulder and he kisses the top of her head.

Dumbledore looks through the window and smiles. He pulls the collar of his coat tight and begins to move off, striding alone through the snow-strewn street toward the wintery horizon in the distance.

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