The lies i have told

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On a cold evening above the sea high up in the sky was the seductive rose's palace (or something idk). The seductive rose itself has been walking in circels for a few minutes deep in thought trying to come up with a plan to start chaos without getting caught.

They have to cause disruption or else...
So deep in tought they don't notice their brother walking up to them before he gets pulled into a bear hug. taking back by the sudden hug they start to feel unsafe. In panic they start shaking their way out of their brothers grip.

Once lose they turn to their brother angrly. "What was that for!?" He yelled. "Brother looked sad, Xiphos came to help brother stop feel sad." The (extremly) taller of the two said sounding happy. Happy even tho everything has been going wrong he is happy? "Well you have ruined my thought process just as you have screwed up everything else!" Xiphos stopped smiling and looked down at his brother. "All you have done this whole time is help the Enemy find out more about us!" Rose started pointing at him. "I have done everything i can to make sure you don't get hurt yet you stil go to them for friendship!" Xiphos started tearing up 'brother doesn't mean it, he's just stressed. Right?' He tought to himself. "Didn't you learn that you can't just make friends and trust them!? Were Drannus and Zo not enough proof of that!? How much more do i have to remind you there is nobody but eachother we can trust!?"

Rose doesn't realize how much he hurt his brother until he hears Xiphos crying. "Wait, xiphs i-" it's to late, Xiphos runs back to the room (but not really a room) he sleeps in. Rose watches his brother before trying to chase after him. 'Bravo!' Oh goddes hera no. 'That was so fun to watch but my dear vessel you can't just go comfort him.' Not now my brother needs me. 'Go back to planning disruption.' 'Fine but once i am done planning i am going to comfort him.' 'Oh no no no, i can't have him getting false hope his little brother Zeri is in here.' 'Hey! Only xiphs calls me that no one else!' 'Jeez relax it's just a dumb nickame made by an even dumber person.' Rose just stond there shaking in anger he hated this. He hated it so much. 'Now be a good vessel and go to your room to think can't have you run to your brother.'

Without skipping a beat rose went to their bedroom sitting down they began getting lost in ideas for disruption again. 10 minutes later he has only come up with recruiting the other villians to help but then leave them so only they get caught, not a solid plan but good enough for now. Walking over to a desk he opens a drawer and takes out some sticky notes and a marker writing down his totaly going to work plan he takes the sticky and sticks it to the wall right along with every other plan he has come up with. This is going to be worth it right? Everything will be worth it right? Looking at the bundle of sticky notes on the wall they sigh and hold their head in both hands. Oh please let this be worth it.

Meanwhile in xiphos's point of view...
Xiphos runs back to his room (srsly tho does this count as one?) And hugs steve for comfort. "Uh Xiphos? Are you ok?" Kat the (definetly not kidnapped) human asks. "Brother doesn't trust Xiphos." He says turning to look at Kat sitting in an corner. "Maybe he has a good reason for that?" "He said friends from camp aren't trustworthy." Kat sits there thinking for a moment. "Well one did threaten me saying i was going to die in... how many weeks again?" This news makes Xiphos cry more.
"Wait Xiphos don't cry it hasn't happen i'll be fine!" She said in a panic.

Xiphos looks at Kat with pleading eyes. "Brother loves me right?" Kat expression turns with empathy. "I don't kno-" Xiphos sniffs. "He loves you. After all, he is your little brother, right?"

. . .

Yeah he is isn't, he?

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