What you didn't do when you started dating

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You wouldn't say I love you. Your relationship started as a friendship and Ally being her bubbly self would say "I love you" not meaning anything. Your little crush got in the way of responding by saying it back which led to some very awkward ends to conversations.

You wouldn't go to the bathroom when you were with her. You just weren't comfortable going when she was around. Eventually you spent the night at her house and you didn't go the washroom at all. She got really worried and almost took you to the doctor to make sure that you were okay. You convinced her that you were fine and then had a conversation that you didn't stop blushing through the whole time about how you both needed to be comfortable around each other.

You wouldn't swear around her. She went with you to see your friends and she heard you swearing up a storm so later on that night she told you that you could swear because she didn't care. From that day on she has regretted those words.

You wouldn't tell dirty jokes. You, since high school, had been dirty minded but around her you wouldn't tell them out loud. She got really stressed that you needed to tell her something important because you would
Be holding in your jokes. One night she asked if you liked spaghetti and you couldn't hold it in. Ever since then you try to contain it around her family but everywhere else is fair game.

You wouldn't use pet names. For the first three months of your relationship you called her Dinah-Jane. She got you down to just calling her Dinah because she felt like by you calling her, her full name you were still tense about her and she wanted you to be completely and utterly comfortable around her. She later noticed that whenever she would call you "love" or "boo" or "bae" or even "Y/N/N" you would still call her Dinah. Long story short the two of you had a chat and now you call her Finah and you know normal things.

Did you hear the news because this is not acceptable and I will not stand for it.

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