Untitled Part 1

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A/N: The above video is a kid my son knows. The car is mine, and the kid wearing the alien mask and driving is my son. This is the same car presented on the cover, and what Levi first learns how to drive. I hope you enjoy the story!

       "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here live at Lisbon Plaza where an interesting development has occurred. As you can see behind me, a portal of some sort has opened, and it is mass hysteria."


"Mass hysteria. The National Guard-


"First on the scene."


"-something's happening. Someone, or what looks like a group of someone's are making their way through the portal!"

Indeed, three gentlemen and a woman step out, blinking in the harsh light of day. The crowds of people go quiet and watch in awe. The shorter of the group looks around and stops, eyes widening in alarm.

"What the fuck, Hanji. What have you gotten us into?"

*Live T.V. Paused. *

"Holy shit YN, get your ass in here now!"

You exit your bedroom, slamming the door behind you.

"What? What's going on?"

Your roommate points to the T.V. and turns her pale face back to watch.

*Live T.V. resumes. *

A tall, blonde, serious looking man steps forward, clearing his throat.

"Greetings, I'm Erwin Smith of the-"

And that's when the real chaos starts as the crowd erupts into screams of crazed fangirls.


"Oh shit.", you mutter and grab your keys from the table by the door.

"Going to save your dream daddy?". Your roommate teases.

"Shut the fuck up."

You dash out the door and down the stairs.


"Uh, Erwin?"

Hanji looks back to the portal that has now snapped shut.

"What are we going to do?"

"We might want to start with running."

They turn and run, just ahead of the screaming horde. There are of course, screams of Hanji, Miche and Erwin, but the loudest of all is the tidal wave sound of Levi.

He looks back once as they run.

"I want to have your babyyyyyyy!", one of them screams and Levi snaps his head forward, alarmed and very confused. Miche finds this thoroughly amusing.

"Didn't know you were so popular."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Not the time you two.", Erwin pants and veers left. "This way!" The turn they take has them dashing into heavy traffic and narrowly missing a collision with several cars. Metal on metal, the sound of tinkling glass and honking horns surround them.

On a plus, this happens to separate them from the crazed fans pursuing them, on the negative; they lost Miche.

"Just go, I'll find you!", Miche yells as he's sucked into a sea of groping hands. Hanji and Erwin continue on. They dash into an abandoned warehouse and slam the door, slumping to the floor in exhaustion.


Hanji shakes her head. "Must have got caught up with Miche. Erwin the technology in this world! Maybe it's part selfishness, but I need to explore! Something in this world has got to be of use in getting us home!"

"The idea has merit, but we'll need to disguise ourselves. Somehow, people know us."

They both jump back startled, as the door bursts in. It's Miche, wearing a huge dopey grin.

"This place ain't all bad."

His hair is tousled, shirt missing a few buttons, and what appears to be lipstick is plastered all over his face and neck. Hanji snorts laughter then looks around, confused.

"Where's Levi?"

"Levi?", Miche asks and looks around as well. "I thought he was with you."


Traffic has been jammed due to the panic, and despite the efforts of about a dozen officers you get nowhere. You inch forward at a snail's pace.

"Come on", you mutter while trying to look everywhere at once.

Meanwhile, poor Levi has been up and down a dozen alleyways, behind several dumpsters, and just fucking done with this whole adventure.

'Fucking Hanji and her experiments.', he thinks as he ducks behind another dumpster. Several girls and a few boys just ran past screaming 'Levi!'. He thought he was caught for sure.

He saw Miche get pulled into the crowd, but there was nothing he could do. Having been swept in another direction, he waited until he could break free of the wave of people and double back.

He steps out of the alley and blinks.


You finally spot him and hit your horn.

He takes a confused step towards you and then looks back at the screaming horde heading straight for him.

You beat on your horn repeatedly.

He makes up his mind, coming straight for you.

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