Bonus Chapter: Learning to Dad

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Lee Violet, 5 years old. Digital image by Obsidian Ghost, via NightCafe

Things have gone on pretty much as usual. Not a doubt has surfaced in your mind as to how Levi would cope with this new addition to his life. He's facing parenthood as he does everything: boldly and head-on. Not that he's always perfect at it, but it's only been a week, and there's really no such thing as a perfect parent anyway. You discovered this early on in your own experience.

You're still human, you have flaws, what you think is in the best interest of the little one you are trying to protect, sometimes clips their wings. Balance, patience. Discipline over punishment. Allow them a say, when a punishment is warranted. Guide instead of lead.

Humbling. Thoughts of your own parents, and the things you took for granted.

Mostly, Levi watches you and observes how you handle your child. He steps in when comfortable and asks questions. The sincerity in every moment he takes on. He tells you he's determined to never do Lee like his father did him. You always reassure him that by being here now, he's already conquered on that score.

He never ignores Lee or denies her. He's awkward, but if she wants to play, he plays. Story time? A story is what she gets. Their relationship is slowly developing into something adorable, and quite beautiful. Daddy's girl.

You read somewhere, that Isayama had said Levi does good impersonations of the cadets. So, it's no surprise when you hear across the hall, the deep growling voice of the troll. The rather heroic sounding voices of the Billy Goats Gruff. It makes you smile.

The sound of him closing the door with a grunt of effort has you looking up from your pillow. You watch as he pulls himself across the floor and into bed. He always insists on doing things himself. Scooting closer, you rest your head on his chest and snap the lamp off.

"She asleep?

"Finally," he states with a yawn. "She's running me ragged."

"She's been hearing about you her whole life. You're finally here, and she wants that lost time. Get some rest and prepare for tomorrow's episode of Lee 2.0"

He chuckles at that, and kisses you goodnight, drifting off to sleep surprisingly quick.

2 am:

Lee's little feet patter across the hall. Opening mommy and daddy's bedroom door, she takes a peek inside. Sleeping. Perfect! Since daddy has been home, mommy hasn't let her sleep in the bed with them. "Give daddy a break," mom keeps telling her. "You're going to drive him crazy."

Well, she wants to sleep next to daddy, and she's going to! Climbing up onto the bed with a bit of effort, she claps her hands over her mouth to suppress a giggle. Won't he be excited when he sees her lying there! She rests her head on his pillow and slips her tiny feet under the blanket.

His eyes pop open, and she shrieks.

The moonlight coming through the window showcases his right eye, scarred and now covered with a milky-white cataract. The blue of his iris shows only faintly through this cataract. It's scary!

It's not just her that's startled, Levi is, too. He topples over the edge of the bed and hits the floor with a grunt. You sit up quickly, looking around in alarm.

"Levi?" You look around, worried and your eyes rest on Lee. Before you can even register her presence fully, her head disappears over the edge of the bed.

"Hi daddy," she exclaims brightly. "Come back to bed you silly goose!"

"Levi, are you okay?" You wait cautiously for an answer.

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