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well i know you wanna lover
let me tell you brother
she's been sleeping in the Devil's bed
— "witchy woman," eagles


This story began as a vent piece that I started writing in December of 2020, when I was in my final year of high-school. I had a lot of negative pent up tension--anger, frustration, depression, anxiety--and an overwhelming amount of complex emotions about finishing school at the height of the pandemic in my country. This story was an outlet for me to resolve that tension; rather than directing harm at myself or others, I could inflict it on my characters. But it also became a comfort, and place of solace. My characters were isolated, like myself, but they found connection, and so too could I. As I graduated and started university, I put this story on the back-burner, only managing to finish it in April of this year (2022). Naturally, it's not my best work, and I don't consider it representative of my abilities. I'm only posting it here at the encouragement of a friend, and the slight but powerful hope that a piece as messy as this might act as an outlet for someone else struggling with pent up-tension; be it of the angry, frustrated, depressed, or even sexual variety. I don't consider any of the relationships depicted to be particularly healthy, but that's part of the messiness and tension-relief that I desired at the time, the remnants of which I still feel today. Besides, I don't think many people come here expecting perfectly sanitized and cookie-cutter stories. So here it is: the messy conception of my hormonal, emotional, adolescent brain. If you manage to read it all the way through, I hope it provides what you're looking for.

This story contains sexual content and scenes depicting abuse.

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