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You got a heart from heaven
but you're burning
like hell

You let the music control you as you gripped onto the steel pole. Your mind wandering, but your body knowing its destination. Your moves were slow and sensual as the hungry men, women, and theys and thems cheered for you. It felt good, relief, relaxing.

It took your mind off of things and it was the reason you loved dancing so much. Because you could be you in a space where nobody would judge. A safe space you could say, if you took the threats and rocco and his men sneaking up on you out of the equation.

You opened your eyes and in the distance you could aee him leaning against the bar table with a drink in his hand, probably whiskey. He threw back the dark liquid and set the glass down, silently asking for another.

You held eye contact the whole time, your eyes not wandering. You smirked  as he readjusted in his seat, as he stared at you and your movements. From the way you spun around the pole, to the tricks you did surrounding it. It was sexy to say the least.

When you came back out half an hour later, he was nowhere to be seen in the crowd. That in itself made a frown form on your lips. You didn't know why...but it did. Maybe it was just the attention that you loved.

Attention you got from hundred of other people but for some reason, your desire for his was stronger.

It didn't stop you from finishing your last show of the night strong. When you got ready to leave you packed your things and changed into something more casual which included a crop top and a pair of shorts. You saw callen at the bar, flirting up with one of the bartenders. You alerted him that you were ready to go, simply by sending a text to his phone. The message distracted him for a bit before he looked back up at the woman apologetically.

You saw him give her something like a piece of paper of something, she smiled gingerly as she took it and put it in her pocket. He met with you at the entrance and you waved goodbye to antonio.

You stumbled into the passenger seat of the car and immediately took of your shoes so you could put your feet up. A sigh fell from your lips as you buckled your seatbelt and leant against the door. Callen soon joined you as he crunk up the car. The engine tumbled below you and you relaxed into the seat. "where's akuma?" you mumbled out as you tapped randomly on your phone.

"he had some business to take care of so he left, he'll be hack home later" you hummed in response at that, deciding to text anais. You hadn't seen her in a few days, that included tonight though it was your first bight back. She hadn't told you she was going anywhere.

You didn't receive a text back, usually she responded within the minute hut by the time you got home you hadn't gotten any new notifications. This worried you and you decided to give her a bit more time to respond so you showered and after getting dressed your stomach grumbled so you decided to go downstairs and fix you something to eat. You chose to eat in your room while watching netflix so you brought the tray of food up to your room. But before you could enter your you bumped into 194 IBs of muscle as you held onto the bamboo serving tray.

A yelp left your lips as you stumbled backwards. You looked up to see no one other than suguru. His eyes hungry as he looked you up and down as if he could see right through the oversized shirt you wore. His gaze was scrutinizing and you shrunk under it lokay bye" you rushed out frantically and ran into your room, slamming your door in the process. You winced at the sound of the door rambling on its hinges but walked further in nonetheless setting the tray onto your bed. You grabbed your remote and switched on the tv to netflix, continuing the kdrama you started.

You munched on your food as the episode went on. Eventually you ended up falling asleep, crumbs around your mouth, the now empty tray of food sitting on your dresser. You were sat in a weird position but definitely comfortable.

You were woken up by a series if loud knocks on your door. Slowly dragging your body out of your bed, you took your sweet time making your way to the door, even waiting a couple seconds when you got there before pushing it open with a blank look. But the face on the other side of the door was not so relaxed.

It was making you anxious, not knowing what was going through his mind. "anais was abducted" your breath hitched at that comnent. You sent numb as the words spilled from his mouth.

She had been taken, that's why she hadn't answered your text. The information scared you to death, simply because you didn't know the extent they were planning on going. Much less who 'they' were. "who?" was the only word that left your mouth following the long deafening silence.

He hesitated at the question, not sure how to tell you. But there was no other way to tell someone who took someone they loved. Possibly torturing them to get answers or even just as leverage. "rocco" you figured.

You didn't know who else would've done it. "thing is, we don't know where he's keeping her" you had kept pretty calm during the whole conversation for the most part but that hit a switch.

"how do you not know where she is, but you know who took her, im guessing you also know when she was taken" he nodded guiltily at that.

"a few days ago"

"im also going to assume you know what vehicle she was taken in" again he nodded.

You sighed heavily "soo you don't know where she is" he shook his head from side to side as if saying no. "okay, give me a gun please" you said holding your hand out.

" I didn't tell you she was taken for you to go on a suicide mission" he retaliated, pushing your hand down.

But you were persistent. "rocco may be stronger than me strength wise but he's weaker than me in all other departments" you said giving him a deadpanned look. "i'm going to find her, whether you or anybody else has anything to say about it" you stepped back into your room, heading for your closet so you could get dressed into something more appropriate.

When you were ready you cane out of the room to see suguru leaning on the wall. "fine but i'm coming with" he compromised dropping a gun into your hand. A smirk settled onto your face.

You followed behind him with your hand on the strap of your book bag. All you could think about was anais, and how you failed to protect her. A tear escaped your eye at the thought but you quickly wiped it. It wasn't time to cry, you could do that later. For now, you drove with one destination in mind.


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