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it was a normal, chilly, morning. I think mid august, it didn't matter, I was home.

I woke up in my room at the bunker, the same familiar smell of dean winchester's cooking filling my nose and practically lifting me out of bed. I slid on my slippers and called to miracle. his presence being confirmed with a deep whine and the sound of his nails hitting the floor as he ran from dad and dean's room and into mine.

I give him a head pat and greet him with a "good morning big guy."

I love miracle, I think me and dean are his favorites, though I couldn't tell you why or how. I think he's the sweetest dog I've ever met.

parting reluctantly from my beloved pup, I head into the kitchen, stopping when I get to the door to watch pops work his magic. his white apron is smeared with yolk and pancake batter, if it were anyone else it would be repulsive. but it's my dad, so it's sweet and endearing.

I notice his clothes next, he has on a pair of star wars patterned pj pants, a gray zip-up hoodie, and a black beanie. jack got him those pants my first christmas here, me and dad were pretty shaken up after my mom died so dean tried to make it as happy and jolly as physically possible. It worked, we had a really great day.

I also noticed he's playing his music while he works. looks like he finally got spotify working..

"mornin' kid, looks like it's just you and me, early bird catches the worm.. or whatever." he turns to me with that 'dean' smile plastered on his face when he notices i'm watching, frying pan and spatula in hand, slinging eggs onto 6 different plates.

I respond with a sleepy smile and a "mornin' pops, looks like it."

i'm too tired to put a lot of effort into this conversation, dean usually understands that and let's me be, we communicate with looks and noises. I think that's our love language.

I glance down at the table, at the plates, and I realize you can tell who's plate is who's easily in our house. sam's is the one on the far right, the first plate dad makes, it's out of habit. then comes castiel, he doesn't need to eat but he enjoys food so dean gives him a little of everything he makes. then eileen, she eats a pretty normal amount usually. next is jack, then claire, then me.

jack loves food, he's always snacking or helping dean cook, so dad gives him a lot. claire "eats for survival" she doesn't see the need to eat for enjoyment, so she gets just enough.

i'm last, and I don't mind, I don't really eat. I don't need to, i'm like castiel in that way, but I still need to fuel my body. so dad gives me a little less than claire and always asks over and over if I want any more.

I take a seat at the table, in front of my plate, and dad starts singing some old rock song. loudly.

"...yeah you... shook me all night long!"

I sit there watching dean, the man that chose to be my dad without any second thought, singing his heart out into a spatula, and I smile. I love him, I love my family and all our chaos.


my thoughts and dad's singing are interrupted by a sweet, but deadpan "good morning, soren." and a big, calloused, hand running through my unkept hair.

it's my father, castiel. I look up at him and flash my eyes blue, he flashes his back. it's something we both do to greet each other, dad thinks it's creepy because to him it looks like we're having an "ethereal staring contest".

I call it a grace-off.

he's already dressed in his work clothes, a freshly ironed button up, a checkered sweater vest, and some slacks. he's wearing his nice dress shoes today, usually he just wears sneakers, I wonder if there's an event happening.

"good morning dad, gonna eat with us or are you heading out?" I ask, I always ask, and I always know the answer.

"yeah, I guess I'll join you, I know how hard dean worked on it" he answered back while hugging dad from behind, smiling at him before kissing his cheek.

they're so cute it makes me wanna barf.

"hey, innocent child here, please refrain from the pda until i'm gone." I detest.

"I think you're a looong way from innocent sor, and hey, when you fall in love you'll understand why we're like this." dean responds as he looks back to face me, ending the sentence with a wink.


eventually everyone makes their way into the kitchen. mom's half awake and clinging to her coffee cup like it's gonna keep her standing, papa's already been on a run and had a smoothie, claire's as grumpy as ever, and jack's just happy to be there.

we all sit around the table, having our own conversations, dad and eileen are talking in sign language about some work stuff, looks like there /is/ an event happening today at the shop.

eileen and dad working together is awesome, because we get to drop in and talk to them whenever we want.

they don't own it, we would never have the money for that, but they're the only people working there. so to me, jack, and claire it's like a playground.

I hear the clacking of miracles nails against the kitchen floor, he's somehow gotten under the table without our parents noticing. I watch as jack slowly takes his plate off the table and slides it to him, letting miracle lick whatever egg and pancake residue is left over.

dean pretends not to hear this happening and keeps sam focused into their conversation, something about a hunt from a while back, while miracle finishes the plate.

he runs out from under the table and beelines out of the kitchen, satisfied and ready to nap on dean's bed.

"jack! did you- seriously give him your plate again?" papa rants for about ten minutes on how we "can't be feeding him human food", how it "upsets his stomach, and then I have to clean up his puke". all three of us say we say we understand but this definitely is not the last time it will happen.. 


mom and dad drive us three to school, dean always wants to but it's more convenient for them to do it, our school is already on the way to the shop.

castiel always asks us what we have planned for the day and how we're doing in our classes, eileen stays focused on driving, but dad told us she asks what we said when they get to the shop.

as we drive up to the schools entrance I can already see kaia sitting on the curb, watching for the car. when she finally sees us she shoots up and runs towards claire and mom's side.

"hi kaia! have a good day at school my loves." mom says as she unlocks the doors, watching us exit one by one, backpacks and small remarks being thrown around haphazardly.

all three of us rush out our own goodbyes and 'i love you's to our parents and head off into school.


// hi !! thanks for reading, this is just a documentation of one of the mornings I spent with my family, please tell me if you want more like this/what parts of my dr you wanna hear more about !!

- sor

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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