I feel as though the life I have set up for myself is crumbling down
It's as though I have no right to be happy
WTF did you want girl, did you really think you would like it?
When you set a goal and attain it?
You fool
Put on another layer
Try and walk on, with all of that smothering you
Another layer
Don't buckle you fool
You only have yourself to blame
Bad choices. Bad choices
Think smarter
Why can't you just do it like we do
Why don't you have any energy?
Why are you so lazy?
Now your just fat
Now you're old
Now you're ugly
No wonder you're alone
No wonder you have no lover
Wake up
It's all an illusion
Of course you can do it
If you want to
Try harder
It's all about belief
Law of attraction
That's right
Self empowerment
Take it to the bridge
You can't back out now
You've already put too many miles on the thing
Scratched the surface
It's worthless to anyone else now
So it's yours
Enjoy it