Chapter One: Alone once again...

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When there are ( ) around the words that inside there mind. When there are " that's when they are speaking.

Lavender's POV:
Father went to work, Mothers is sipping tea on the couch as she reads a book, brother and I are just talking. Suddenly a timer starts to make a weird scratching sound. "I'm telling Jayden you and these sounds for your alarms are pretty disturbing." I told him as He went to turn it off. "You see Lavy my alarms actually alarm me and not have me grooving to some music!" He said and did a dancing shimmy with his shoulders.

I chuckled. "Very interesting dance you got there. But you should probably stop grooving and start moving so you don't miss your harp practice with Mr. Cenen." I said. "Oh yeah I forgot about that part, anyways see ya later sis!" He said as he ran to the front door. "Bye, Jay!"  Yelled right before the door closed.

I got up from my seat and started to walk to the living to check up my mom. "Mom?" I said. She was sleeping on the couch. I shook my head and went to a closet to get a soft cover and pillow. I softly lifted her head and placed the pillow. I covered her with the cover and but a book mark for her book and placed it in the coffee table. I got her cup of tea and washed it.

As I walked back to my room I started to feel empty. Like I had no one. I don't have friends, it's like I'm invisible I don't exist. I did the only thing I can do to express my feelings.

Make art...

I grabbed my cup and filled it with water. I then got some paper towels. I went to my art supplies bucket and got my paint and paint brushes. I got a bright white canvas and started painting what was in my heart. Some tears started to fall and I let them. I had some sniffles and moments where I felt like I couldn't breath but I never stopped painting.

Art was my get away. My free zone. In fact I wanted to be a world wide known artist. I made art when a felt any strong emotion. No matter if it was anger, sadness, happiness, or loneliness in this situation. When I made art it was like I had a someone that actually understand my feelings that actually knew how I felt even if  I couldn't explain it in words. It was my... friend..

As I was done the tears has stopped. I looked at the painting. It was a girl with a bright pink jumper and a white short sleeve undershirt. She has ankle high white socks with some pink buckle shoes. There were kids in the distance socializing and laughing or just talking as the girl watched. She had tears running down her face she felt invisible just like me.

The painting represents how I feel right now.

I dropped the paintbrush in the water and went to clean my paint pallet. After I got the paintbrushes from the water and dried them with the paper towels grabbed the paint to put them back in the art supplies bucket. After I went to make some coffee and but it in a mug. I then heard a click from the door. I ran to the door and put on a smiling face.

"Good afternoon father, I hope you had a wonderful day at work. Here is your coffee."
I said. "Ah yes coffee thank you Lavender!"
Mom started to wake up. "Oh, hey honey what do you want for dinner tonight?" She said in a sleepy voice. " But mom you said it was my turn!" I said in a sad tone. "I don't care Lavender let your father have a dinner he wants for once you ingreatfu-" before he could finish Mom butted in. "Honey what do you want for dinner!" She said a a sing song voice.

"Oh yeah right ummm, how about chicken and waffles?" He said with his disgusting smile. "Yeah I think I can make that happen honey chicken and waffles it is I'll get started hey Lavy could you help me out with the waffles?"
Mom asked. "Yeah I can I said as I got a mixing bowl, whisk, the waffle maker, waffle mix, and water.  I plugged up the waffle maker and let it heat up. I made my way to the island table and I put some of the waffle mix in the bowl and poured some water and got the whisk to make the batter.

After beating it a while the batter was done and so was the heating for the waffle maker. "Hey sad how many waffles do you want?" I asked. "I want three! Now leave me alone I'm watching the game!" He said. And he wonders why he's getting heavier now..." Mom muttered. I giggled. (I want one and so does mom, Jayden always gets 2 and father wants 3 so I have to make 7 waffles in all. I got out 4 plates along with some syrup. After I made all the waffles the chicken was almost done so I plated the walffle went to my room.

Time Skip...

The family was siting at the dining table and we started to eat. "The waffles are good who made them?" Said Jayden. "I did!" I said as I was proud to get a compliment. "They're okay..." said Father. My heart dropped a bit. Luckily I was done with my food so I excused my self and went to do my night routine. I get my face wash cloth and my night cream. I went to take a shower and then put on my night cloths. Before I went to sleep I wrote a list to get all my art supplies for tomorrow. I put on a scarf and went to sleep waiting for another day when the sun comes up to happen...

Wowee! First chap of a new book I am proud. Let's hope this doesn't turn out a disaster of a book. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the book make sure to like and subscribe just kidding just kidding anyways I hope you enjoyed the book and have a wonderful day, afternoon, morning, or night water time you are in!
This author is officially done with this chapter!!!

Word count: 1081

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