rabbit 1

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Before this starts imma say
This is an au not original from the actual movie
Of Alice in the wonderland okay???
So don't freak out X)
Crazy rabbit: fritz
Mouse: doll
Mad hatter: phone guy
Cheshir: Vincent
Alice: mike
White rabbit: jeremy

Mike p.o.v
Why was I following this bunny?
Well I wanted to know why was it such on a hurry
Besides I don't know what I will do once I catch him.

But of course I lost the rabbit once I fell in a hole and
Drank some weird stuff and ate a bread.

Now I was walking down the woods to find the hurry rabbit, when i was walking down the woods I heard
Laugher and things breaking like glass
I followed where the sound was coming from,

I push the bushes out of my way to see
A big diner table with tea cake and straight down I seen a guy with a tall hat to the side of him there was a crack rabbit and a mouse on the other side

"Now who's this?!" The rabbit said well drinking his tea shaking as well, "never seen this blonde person before!"
The mouse said well pulling her sword out slowly
Well her sword was like a needle...

"We don't know who he is but! He's a guest now isn't he?"
The guy said well crossing his legs, "What's you're name blonde man" I rolled my eyes, "mike. Now can you guys tell me if you seen a rabbit with a clock?" I said crossing my arms, "No clue!" The other rabbit said

"He's always busy he HAS to be on time with the queen of hearts" I looked back at the man. I sigh "thanks for nothing." I huff and was gonna leave But when i turn around I seen a cat with completely white eyes and was purple. "Aren't you gonna have tea~" the purple man said

"Hey! I told you he was gonna be back!" The crazy bunny said, I push the man's face away from mine. "I have no time for tea..." I said the purple man now standing
Grab my shoulders and turn me around. "Well im sure they would like tea would you..." he said in my ear

"Toasted! To our guest mike" the hat man said
They all raise there cups, shit now im fucking stuck here.

(Hours past)

I sigh, listening to these idiots laugh and throw shit around, I looked to the side seeing the cay stare at me which was fucking creepy..."can you stop staring at me."
I said well glaring into his white eyes. He smirked,

"Is that a wig your wearing?" He said, "yea dumbass."
I was wearing a wig to cover my scars on my head.

"Hmm~" fuck this is boring I really needed to know what that rabbit was doing..."What's your name?" I asked the purple cat. "Vincent~ or Cheshire"...."hm...I'm leaving" I scooted my chair out and got up dusting my dress off

"Leaving so soon mikey?~"
"Yeah I have other things to do." I said, then turn away walking off,


I got lost...I lost the tracks, fuck...I sat on the branch
And tap my fingers on my lap. Shit..

"Found you~" My spine shiver as I felt someone breath on my neck I looked behide me to see Vincent..dumb cat
I grab his ear and pulled them hardly I heard him growl

"DONT SNEAK ON ME!" I said and push him,
"It wasn't sneaking..." he sat up and rubbed his ears
"Why are you here." I crossed my arms and puffed my face, he looked up at me and smirked again..."just checking on my lover~" I blushed and grabbed a rock and threw it at him but before he got hit he fade away


"Harsh we are?~" I looked behide me, damn it!
"Ugh just leave me alone I rather be alone! Even if I was the last man on earth! I wouldn't hang with you!"
I said stomping my foot on the ground. He chuckle
And float sitting "oh mikey~ if you was the last man on earth...I wouldn't exist~" he said and winked at me
I groan and started walking away.

Of course he was following me. "DUDE don't you got anything better to do?!" I said he shaked his head no
Then float in front of me "come on I wanna help you~"

"You're not gonna leave if I say yes huh?" He nodded I rolled my eyes. "Fine!..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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