Chapter One- Where it all started

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Gordon looks up at the brunette, with realization. "It's not a bird... It was mechanical."

"Without fingers, I point. Without arms, I strike. Without feet, I run. What am I?" The criminal smirks with cleverness. He knew exactly what he did.

"You're a clock.." the detective spoke with an uneasy tone, all set into place. Jim Gordon knew it was him.

"Correct." He says with confidence, while slightly chuckling. The clock behind him went off, it was the same exact clock like the one in the tape. "Guess what? I knew that you knew... that I knew." the devilish smile grew on the man's face. Next thing you know he's dragging the cop around trying to find a place to hide him.

But, he made a mistake. Too caught up in his thoughts the cop escaped from his grasp. He was shooting at the cop using his own gun, it was almost like a helpless prey running from its predator.


Now Jim knew for sure, Nygma said it himself "Kristen Kringle."


"Everything will be fine," he tells himself before heading to work, sure he shot and tried to kill Jim Gordon the infamous detective but he still had to act as if nothing happened. Walking around the Precinct awkward as ever, fiddling with his thumbs. Then he sees her. The street kid, the menace. He walks over to the commotion to hear what's going on.

"10 grand."

"You know where he is?"  An officer says while looking at the child.

"He was at my place a couple of hours ago. He'd been shot.. didn't say who though."  She says to the officers with honesty while Nygma eavesdrops from a distance

"Anything else?" the curious officer questioned her with a stern and austere look. 

"Oh yeah now that I think about it... he said that he's going to see penguin, apparently he "knows where the body is buried." Then he passed out again after that." 

Edward froze at the sentence.The room was rotating, his body warmed up increasingly and his muscles tensed up. 

The conversations between Selina and the officers blur out, he rushed out of the main area and into the staff locker room.  

"Relax Relax." Nygma looks at the mirror in front of him while gripping onto the sink. "You idiot.."  He scolds. "...he's a detective he finds people for a living!"  

"Stupid. Stupid.."  Then out of nowhere the locker room opens, causing Edward to flinch at the sudden movement. It was Harvey Bullock, Jim Gordons Partner. 

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