Chapter Two- Fast Thinking

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Just knowing that Jim Gordon's partner was in the same room as Edward terrified him, but thankfully, Bullock gave him a weird stare and continued on with his day. Seeing Nygma "acting weird" was normal to Bullock so Edward got a pass.

As soon as his coworker left the room Nygma dashed out of the precinct and on his way to the woods where he left his ex-girlfriend's dead body. In a panicked rush, he takes a shovel out of his car and begins searching for the burial, mumbling things to himself.

"Everything will be fine. Definitely FINE! I just have to finish this before he can get to her.." panicked breathing, sweating, a tense body...this guy is a mess. 

Digging and digging, it was driving him insane. 


He paused. Mind racing. Nygma turned around and pulled out his pistol, aiming at no one other than James Gordon. Standing right there in front of him. "Jim you DID find Penguin." 

"No, I just followed you..."  This guy HAS to be joking.. right? All of that struggle. Nygma thought it was hilarious, still pointing a gun at Jim, Edward started to laugh. "Bravo Jim!... I'd clap but I have your gun in my hand." Edward glared at him with a devious smile, grinning like there's no tomorrow. 

 "How did this... happen to you? How did you become this?" Jim said with a cautious tone, you could hear the betrayal in his raspy voice.

"You dummy. This is who I am. I'm just finally admitting the truth to myself." There was a short pause in between his sentence. "...well that and murdering some people.." 

"I don't believe that," Jim says while taking a step forward

  "Why Jim? Because it would make you incompetent? To know that I was right under your nose the whole time?.. Or you don't want to admit that there's a MONSTER in all of us because YOU OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW!.... That's what made it so easy to frame you, Jim!" Nygma looked at Gordon with a sharp eye, knowing that there was something deep inside of him. He just had to let it out one day.

"I was your friend..." James said with honesty. "Were you Jim?.. or did you just pity me? Oh! Look at little Ed, poor weird little Ed with his wordplay and silly riddles!" Edward said with a high voice, you could see the memories flash in his eyes, all of the tormentings, he knew that everyone just pitied him.

"How about.. one more riddle? For old times' sake." He looks at Jim with a daring look, prepared to give him his last riddle. "A nightmare for some...for others a savior, I come. My hands cold and's the warm hearts they seek..."

"Death." He replied with seriousness, seeing his friend turn out like this hurt, even if he didn't really get to know the guy. "Right again, goodbye Jim. " Nygma said as he raised the gun, waving his hand and preparing to shoot. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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