The heck you trying... it useless... USELESS!

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Aizawa's POV:

Me: *Sigh* 

It was only after I was done dealing with these two annoying people, that three of my students started approaching me yet again. Oh how annoying they were. All I wanted to know was where Midoriya went and of course they don't answer me but approach me. Who the hell they think I was?

In no freaking way were they able in who knows what fantasy in their mind to actually beat me. Now I had like 3 people coming my way and all I could do was sigh and be annoyed. First the alarm and then this.


Why can't no one talk properly ...

Looks like I have to educate them...

If I ask a question, they should fucking answer to it.

And if not then they shouldn't approach people this easily without their guards up.

I am dissapointed in them.

At least that stupid dog managed to realize what this was all about.

So one point for class 1A and another one to Midoriya...

That guy....

Where the fucking hell can a kid hide this well?

Kaminari: Aizawa-sensei, we are sorry for the coffee!

Me: Sorry? *Sigh* You should have known that consequences will follow.

Denki: Did Nezu approve of this?  EEEE!

I used my quirk on that damn Pikatchu and threw one of my knifes right in front of his feet. That guy really had some slow reflexes and I was sure to train my class better for the future. If they couldn't withstand this much then they are too weak for the hero world.

Right at the moment when he screamed out a bit, the light went out and the siren died out too.

Damn NEZU!

You want to do this this way, huh?

Don't think this will help the other students.

The moment the lights went out, I deactivated my quirk as my red glowing eyes would have definitely rat me out in this situation. I didn't wanted to give them any advantages and if anything this darkness was even to my advantage. I was after all an underground hero. Darkness was my thing and these stupid kids from my class surely didn't know was about to hit them.

Satou: Everyone stay together!

Denki: Where are you guys?

Kaminari: To your right bro.

Too late. The moment they started talking to each other I was already dashing towards them. It was only a short moment but I was already in front of Kirishima and had him against the wall apprehended.

Kirishima: Uff

Only the sound of the air leaving this kids lung could be heard before he used his quirk and I grabbed him by the collar of his pyjama and threw him against Satou. He was definitely a lot heavier when his quirk was activated and I used that to knock another one down.

Denki: Guys?


Denki: Guys!

Again nothing as I started to walk towards him.

Denki: Come on guys this is not funny.

Oh quite the contrary!

This is quite funny for me!

I am enjoying this!

How about you?

I was right in front of Denki when I actived my quirk and looked down at him. Poor guy screamed as if he was about to die.

Ohh how I had my fun and just like that I started giving him one of my shit eating grin which even Zashi hated soo much.

A/N: Zashi as in Hizashi aka Present Mic.

The moment he saw me looking at him that way, he fainted immediately. You wouldn't be able to see it if not standing tight in front of me which he was. Ohh poor guy fainted just because of that.

Now that he fell down with a thumb I could hear someone else starting to move and it was no other than Satou.

However before he could even start to attack me I was in front of him and delivered a hard punch to his stomach making him first of fold over and second easy to grab to send him flying into the next room and look him in.

Me: *Sigh* You better stay still and behave!

That was all I said before I then went on to grab Kirishima and Kaminari to threw them into the next empty room. Now all I had to do was find the rest and Midoriya. Since he wasn't here with the boys he was probably together with Yaoyorozu or Ochako. Where ever he was, he couldn't hide for long.

 Where ever he was, he couldn't hide for long

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