a strange encounter

23 0 0

???2: We're here

###: Finally

you: Ok, so here's my plan, there has to be some item in the backrooms that can destroy this lamp, we have to find it, but we need to go to the end, it's going to be hard, but we'll do it

you: Ok, now let's glitch to lev- Wait, Who tf is that guy?

* in the distance you see a guy confused, he might be new...*

###: A wanderer I guess

???2: Let's talk to him!

friend.: Is that even a good idea?

you: Maybe he could help us in our journey

???2: Maybe...

you: I'm going to talk to him

###: "you" NO

you: Hi

?: Hi?

you: How did you get here?

?: I don't know, I was in my house, when I fell in here

you: Don't worry we will help you!

?: We?

you: Yes, I have some friends right there

?: Hey I see them!

you: Wanna join us?

?: Sure!

you: Sweet, what's your name?

?: My name is "!!!"

you: ...

*has a flashback*

!!!: Are you ok?

you: I think I remember you?

!!!: Hey... are you the chosen one?

you: Omg I know you, what happened after I woke up?

!!!: We were at level !, we needed to talk to you for because, you are the only who can fix this, after you woke up we all got lost... Everyone went their way, so I did it too

you: Wow... but why you couldn't fix all of this alone?

!!!: It's because of you, you are the only who can only go in there and save the world

you: How?

!!!: Hacking the system 

you: Makes sense

!!!: What's that lamp?

you: In short, a glitch we are trying to find a way to destroy

!!!: Oh...

???2: Hey how is it going here?

!!!: "???2" hey

???2: Hey...

!!!: I'm !!! Do you still remember me?

???2: Omg it's you? 

!!!: Yes!

???2: Omg its impossible

###: Oh... "!!!"

!!!: You are still mad about that?

you: About what?

!!!: Well... I had the idea to go to level ! I was the only one who knew what I was doing, everyone was following me, but I left them all, and we got lost...

you/###/???2/friend.: ...

###/???2: The worst idea you had

you: There's no time for that, we need to go through level ! hack the computer and get back to reality

!!!: Yeah, but what about the lamp?

you: We'll think about it when we arrive to the end

!!!: Oh, ok

you: Hey! Look I casually found an entrance to level !   (""""""Casually"""""")

???2: Casually?

you: Yeah

???2/friend./!!!/###: ...

you: Anyways, are yall ready?

???2: I guess so

friend.: "you" if I die I want to let you know that I...

love you

you: I'm not falling for that again

friend.: This time, it's not a joke, I actually love you, all this journey was fun being with you, you are always funny and sarcastic, and I think I love you

###: *whispering to " !!! " * (are you sure he is the chosen one?)

!!!: *whispering back* (I think so)

you: Well... if we don't make it, then I want to let you know I love you back

???2: * all 3 whispering into each other* 

(###: Is it really time to do that?

!!!: Let them be maybe we can't make it alive

###: Wait... we can?

!!!: Maybe

???2: does someone have a crush on me?

!!!/###: no)

!!!: Ok it's time to go, ready?

###: I don't want to die...

???2: Probably

friend?/ you: Yes

!!!: Ok, then let's go

*all jump into the glitch*


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