Chapter 9

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No one's P . O . V

After that heart warming talk both haruchiyo and takemitchi slept in the hospital bed. Haru clinging to mitchi as if his gonna disappear meanwhile the youngest just hug him and face buried on haruchiyo's chest.

Later that night shinichiro decided to visit them but ended up seeing those cuties cuddling with each other which was adorable in his thought mean while takeomi was at the sofa reading some magazine he just found.

" Hey omi "

Shinichiro shouted but not loud enough for those two sleeping angels to wake up. Takeomi who was startled stand up and smack his best friend.

" Hey that hurts ! "

He winced from the pain which takeomi just rolled his eyes and went to sit back at the sofa and shinichiro also doing the same but rubbing the spot where he was hit.

" How is haruchiyo ? "

Shinichiro with a worried voice. Takeomi just massage his temple and replied.

" His doing fine , that little guy was able to clam him down "

His hands pointing as takemitchi. Shinichiro sighed out of relief and positioned himself. Takeomi give him a questioning and confuse look but not long after shinichiro bowed infront of him.

" O - oi what are you doing ? "

Takeomi panic but shinichiro was stubborn and head low facing the marbled floor no wonder where our little bean stubborn personality came from.

" I - im deeply and truly sorry for what manjiro did to sanzu , ik this is not enough to make it up for the incident that has occured today.

Especially the trauma that he gave to your brother but I will still apologize on manjirou's be half.

Don't worry his already repenting on what he did and was given a fair share of punishment along with ur youngest sibling senju. "

Shinichiro was still bowing waiting for his friends respond because he knows that damage had been done and theirs nothing they he can do, so he will be willingly accept any punishment or whatsoever his friend ask for.

" It's fine I accept your apologies so stop bowing and like u said u already gave them a punishment right ? "

Takeomi said pressing his forehead along with a sigh a shinichiro stand up back straight feeling relief by the respond he heard.

" Thank you omi and sorry once again "

He smiled and takeomi just sigh at his best friend. After that shinichiro decided to switch with takeomi reassuring that he would be fine and the two beans is deep in sleep.

- The next day -
( 7 ; 00 am )

Takemitchi woke up first and saw his mama sleeping at the couch without a blanket. He was worried and felt sorry for his mama so our bean decided to gave him the spare blanket that he saw. But his problem was haru who's stick to him like a glue that can't be removed.

He has a look of frustration as he tried to escaped but eventually succeeded in the very end. Haruchiyo on the other hand felt discomfort as he tried to find the warmth of that person beside him last night.

Takemitchi slowly covered his mama with blankets when he suddenly heard a faint voice calling onto him. He look at where the voice came from and was greeted with haru who's now sitting on the bed, rubbing his left eye while stretching his body and had a messy hair.

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