Misunderstood WereWolf (A Princeton Love Story)

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Hey Guys I Just Want To Make A Story For Them Princeton Fans ;3 I Gots Love For Yall Too Ok Now Lets Enter The Story ...Oh Yea And Just To Warn You There Are Sexual Stuff Here So If Your Below 14 Bitch Bye Lol JP....

Jasmine Pov (Point of view)

Yes! It's a Friday I'm so happy mane .......Wanna know why ? Because my mom turn 39 bitches ha me and my best friend Jacob gonna celebrate   and me and my dad gonna give her a surprise when she get home !!!But that's when i noticed its time for school -.-

Me:Damn *Gets up from bed and walks to the bathroom*

Dad:Jazzy hurry up i have to pee >.< *Crosses legs*

Me:.... *Taking Shower*


Me:*Washes face and brushes teeth and comes out with a towel on*

Dad:Thank the lord you came out *runs in the bathroom*

Me:*Goes in the room and look in the closet * Mmm what should i wear for such a special day ?

My phone rings i pick it up and its my best friend Jacob ^_^

***Phone Convo**

Me:Hello Afro puff



Jacob:Nothing but what you wanna do for your mom?

Me:you will find out when i see you in school jakey

Jacob:ok plump lips ;)

Me:ctfu and i ttyl

Jacob:i love u

Me:uhmm *blushing *loves ya too

I hung up so quick i couldn't think what i wanted to do for my mom again ...but back to the thought what i'm gonna wear

Me:Uhmm .....Oh ik *Picks up random outfit * (A/n Picture of outfit on the side )

I went downstairs to make Bacon,Eggs,and Pancakes for me and my mom and dad ..

Mom:Mhmm Whats that ? *sniffing the air*

Me:*finishes making break fest* A little something for my beautiful mother

Mom:aw thank you Hun *kisses my cheek*

Me:No problem *eats break fest*

Mom:*eating* This is good for your first time cooking

Me:Are you serious *Raises eyebrow*

Mom:Dead serious


Mom:I will Whop ass on my birthday ^.- *mean tone*

Me: im sorry

Mom:shit babygirl you gonna be late for school you betta go now *hugs me*

Me:ok *hugs back and grabs keys to my volkswagen passat and leaves*

****At school***

Jacob:Plump lips wassup *kevin hart vioce*

Me:How many times i tell you don't call me that

Jacob:How many times i told you over the phone don't call me Afro puff *moking you*

Me:*sticks out tongue * whatever

Jacob:imma bite that tongue one day *eyes turn to gold*

Me:O.O Uhmm J-Jacob your eyes there changing

Jacob:*mumbles* shit (out loud) Uhmm these are erm contacts that change color

Me:COOL *_* were you got them from

Jacob:my mom bought it for me and i dunno where she got it from :/ *lieing*

Me:o-okay *walks to class*

Jacob POV

Damn she almost caught me off guard .... Thank god she belives anything i say our shit would of happened

Jasmine POV

I know something is wrong with jacob ..... but he just wont tell me i dunno why he wont tell me but he just dont have the balls to tell me ://

Jacob:Jazzy you okay?

Me:*in deep thought*

Jacob:*waves hand in your face* HELLO ANYONE THERE

Me:*snaps outta it * Yes?

Jacob:-.- Never mind *walks in the class*

I sit in my seat still in my thoughts and my dumb teacher interrupt them -.-

Mr Nelson: Jasmine what did i just say to the class *rasies eyebrow*

Me:uhmm i dunno and i dont care ._.

Mr Nelson:You know what im not gonna waist my time on you

Me:Then stay outta my mentions bruhh


**Bell rings and everyone exits the classroom for lunch**


Me:-.- Tf you yell for ?

Nya:you look nice gurll


Nya:you know you love me *puppy dog face*

Me:*rolls eyes*

Nya:gurll i say erm jacob flriting with malessa

This chick did not just say that

Me:i dont care he told me he liked her anyways

Nya:ohh you jelly :p

Me:ctfu and lets eat

Me and nya chatt and eat and thats when maless and jacob came over h-holding hands

Jacob:Hey jazz

Me:....*rolls eyes*

Nya:oh shiit

Malessa;Bitch he' talkin to you

Nya:listen hoe dont talk to jazzy like that or your fake ass weave will be glued to your balls ightt

Jacob&Malessa:O.O tf

Me:Bitch Bye go with your girl friend /hoe

Jacob and malessa leaves but Jacob blows me a kiss and i mouth *FUCK YOU*

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