Chapter One: The new Kid

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Today is going to be a big step for me, I'm a senior in High school, doesn't sound that bad right? It is if your in a new school. My parents had us to move because my dad got a new job that paid us good money. My name is Noelle brown and this is the story of how I met someone who would change my life for ever. I woke up and started getting dressed, I put on a light purple hoodie and some ripped jeans. I looked in my mirror on my desk and saw my messy chestnut hair, I brushed it into a pony tail. I made my big bed that layed underneath my window. I put on my checkered vans and went downstairs. My mother was making breakfast while my father was getting ready for work. "Good morning Noelle, I hopped you slept good!" My mother said while cracking eggs in the pan. "Yes mom, thinking about the new school that I am going into as a senior is a reason why I slept so good." I said while I took a seat near the dinning table. "Look I know it's rough for you to be in a new school, especially since your a senior in high school. But your father really needed this job to get our feet up, all we can do is help him out and support him." She looked at me with hopeful eyes. I nodded my head an looked down  and my mom put my breakfast in front of me. I looked up to my mom and smiled and she did the same and in doing so she kissed my head and patted me on the back. While I was eating my breakfast my father came downstairs with a smile on his face. "Ah lovely weather today family, first day of my job and it's sunny outside." I started to giggle at my fathers excitement. "Dad we love seeing you happy." My dad looked at her and gave her a hug. "Thanks sweetie this means a lot to me, I know it's a lot of change, but if we work as a family we can make these changes work, so thank you." My dad patted my back and started to get ready to leave the door. My mom rushed to him before he left and gave him a kiss and a hug. "Have a good day honey." My mother said and I heard my father say "I will." I sat there finishing up my breakfast when my younger brother came into the kitchen. "What's up nerd." My brother said I responded by getting up and gave him a big hug. My brother and I don't fight that much we get along pretty good. His name is Bailey and he has the same hair color as me but he has blue eyes and I have dark brown ones. "Shouldn't you be in your school clothes?" I asked and Bailey rolled his eyes and sighed. "I gotta wake up first duhhhh, give me a minute." I chuckled and sat back down and continued to keep eating my breakfast. Then My mom came in and got ready to leave. "Are you ready to go?" I nodded and put on my backpack and then put my plate in the sink. When I walked out of the house I was met with our dog, Archie. Archie is a German Shepard who has been my best friend since I was 10 years old. Archie was my first best friend and he has always been there for me when I needed him. Every time when I am sick or sad he would be there, and I am so lucky to have a dog like him. "Hey Archie!" I said as I bent down and hugged him. I then petted him goodbye as I sat in the car. "Alright let's go to your new school!" My mother said in excitement. I sighed and looked out the window at my new house slowly leaving my sight as the car started to move. It didn't feel like that long of a car ride, it was about 10 minutes and we were there. As we entered the entry for the cars I saw the schools sign that said "WoodHill high school" with a woodpecker on the side. I looked as the car stopped and I saw students go into the school, some are with a friend group and some are by themselves. Some were laughing and some were goofing around. I saw this one boy with tanned skin, dark brown hair, and brown eyes. He wore a dark blue hoodie, ripped jeans, and blue converse. He was walking with two other boys goofing off. As I got out of the car my mom came over and hugged me "Have a good day sweetheart." My mom said and I waved her goodbye. I looked at the school and sighed, this is going to be a long day. I walked up tot he school and looked at my surroundings and saw students look at me but some of them just walked into the school. I nervously walked into the school, but I didn't notice the boy in the blue hoodie looking at me. "Hey Jack what are you looking at?" Jacks friend asked him, Jack looked over and smiled. "What are you talking about?" Jack asked and his friends just looked at each other and laughed. "You we're looking at the new girl huh?" Jacks friend asked. "Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't." Jacks friends looked at each other with confusion and just shrugged it off. Jacks friends were Andy and Carter. Andy had blonde hair and blue eyes Andy wore a red flannel shirt, flue ripped jeans, and white shoes. Carter had brown hair and blue eyes. Carter wore blue unzipped hoodie with a white shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes. Then suddenly the bell rang, "Come on guys let's go." Jack said and they all followed him into the school. The boys went to their lockers and went their separate ways into their classrooms. In the meantime, Noelle finally found the office and waited for someone to show her around the school. I hear the lady at the desk picking up the phone and put in some numbers, then she said "Hey Mr. Thompson, can you send Jack Williams down? We have a new student here." And then I heard a mumbled responds and then the lady said a quite thank you. "Alright just sit down there, Jack will be here any moment." I took a seat and started to get nervous, the lady at the desk noticed and said "Don't worry, Jack is a very nice boy, can make anyone laugh." She smiled and I smiled back towards her. Then I heard the door open, and it was the same boy that I saw outside of the school. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. Jack looked at me and smiled, the butterflies in my stomach got even a bit worse. "Hey there, I'm Jack Williams. I'm guessing you must be the new kid?" He asked me and I nodded. I stood there, looking at his face, his beautiful dark brown eyes that when the sun shines on them they glowed. "And you are?" Jack asked me and I blinked multiple times and chuckled nervously. "Noelle Brown, sorry." I said with a chuckle. I heard him chuckled and smiled. "Hey it's ok, your in a new school, your going to get nervous, come on I'll show you around." He lead me out of the office and we went down a hall way. "So how do you like living in Boston?" Jack asked me. "It's alright, kind of miss my old home though." I said and Jack looked down at me. "I get it, my dad had us move like 3 or 6 times because of all the hospitals I had to go to." I looked at Jack. "Are you the clumsy child?" I chuckled. Jack nodded with a grin "You can say that." Jack chuckled and we started to get to the classes that I have. "So these are the classrooms that you would be attending, hello ladies and gentlemen I am Jack Williams your host for today! So first up we have Mr. Browns class! The Chemistry and the science in his teaching are pretty mind blowing!" I chuckled at Jacks humor as he is walking me down the hallway. Maybe this school won't be so bad. After the tour of the school that Jack gave me it was now 2nd period and Jack showed me to my class. "Well this is where we stop, hey during lunch if you have no where to sit, my table is always open!" Jack told me and I smiled and nodded. I opened the door and suddenly there were so many eyes on me. So many teens staring and whispering to there friends. I froze and didn't know what to do. Suddenly I heard the teacher. "Hey your the new kid! My name is Mr. Mully I am your new English teacher." Mr. Mully had a blue button up shirt with a blue and yellow stripped tie. He wore brown pants and brown dressing shoes. Mr. Mully had brown hair with a brown beard and brown eyes. "What's your name?" He asked me and gave him a nervous look, but he gave me a reassuring look. "My name is Noelle Brown." Mr. Mully shook my hand and looked to the class. "Alright everyone this is Noelle, hey there is an open seat next to Andy." I looked at him and smiled and walked to my new seat. It felt like I was walking in slow motion, I could hear my heart beat pacing as I see everyone's eyes on me. I sat down and looked up to the board. "Alright class, now that we are all settled down, let's talk about our college essays." I heard everyone moan about the fact that we have to do essays. "I know so fun. But really it's important to know this because, you guys are seniors in high school. You need to know what you want to do with your short precious life." I started to think about what Mr. Mully said. What do I want to do when I am done with High School? I guess the answer will come once the time is right. After about 40mins class was over then a few more passed and it was finally lunch time. I went into the lunch room and went into the line to get lunch. Once I was done I wanted to find a table with no one in it. I remembered what Jack said and I saw that he had other people who I didn't know at his table so I just went to a table with just me. I sat down and ate by myself. I looked around me and saw the different tables with different types of people. The sports people, the table with girls, the table with boys, the geek table, and the joker table which was Jacks table. There were two boys not including Jack and two girls. I looked back to the window next to me and saw some birds. I loved birds, I draw them so much that I have some hung up in my room. The one bird that I saw was a beautiful robin. He sat right on the edge of a branch. Suddenly I heard someone sit down on the other side of the table. It was Jack, with a cute smile on his face. "Why are you sitting here all alone? I told you, that you can sit with us." He looked at me with a questionable look. I shrugged and ate my sandwich. "You don't really talk that much do you? Come on, you can come over and meet my friends!" I looked at him like he was insane. He giggled and walked over to where I was sitting. "My friends don't bite, and besides, they all want to meet you. I'll be sitting right next to you the entire time. I promise." He took his hand out for me to hold. I hesitated but took his hand. He gently brought me over to his table and I took a seat next to him. "Guys this is Noelle Brown. Noelle these are my friends." He introduced me to his friends and I looked at him. He gave me a reassuring nod and I waved to them. "Hey, aren't you the one who sat next to me in english class?" The blonde hair boy asked. I nodded and then one of the girls playfully hit him. "She doesn't know our names dum dum." I heard Jack giggled and then he introduced me to his friends. "The blonde hair is Andy, the brown haired boy is Carter, and these two are sisters both born 6 months apart. Zoe and Sam." Zoe had black hair and brown eyes she had some freckles on her. She wore a white long shirt, black leggings, and white shoes. Sam had brown hair with brown eyes and glasses. Sam wore a maroon shirt with jeans and white shoes. I waved at all of them and they all said hi back. "Your not a big talker are you?" Carter asked me and I shook my head. I looked over to Jack and he leaned into me and he whispered " It's ok they won't judge you." I looked at him and he gave me a smile. I looked over and said "We moved to Boston because my dad just got a really good job here, it's hard because I miss my friends." They all nodded and Zoe said " Well don't worry, we can be your first friends! Anything you need we are here!" They all nodded and I smiled. I never had people who were so excited to get a new friend. "So what do you like to do Noelle?" Andy asked. "I like to paint and draw birds." "That's cool, can we see one?" Carter asked and I nodded. I took my sketch book out and showed them my favorite one that I drew. The barn owl. "Wow, this is amazing!" Carter said and he passed it down to Andy and the Zoe, then Sam, and then Jack. Jack took awhile to look at the owl, he looked amazed by it. "You got some talent Noel." I looked at him and smiled. "A new nick name?" I said and he nodded in response. "That's not a bad nick name, do you mind if we call you that?" Zoe asked. "I don't mind." The rest of lunch was giggling and making jokes. I think I have good friends to start off my new school year as a senior. School ended and I was on my way to go find my mom. I was walking out through the doors but then someone tapped my shoulder and I looked around and it was Jack. "Hey how was your first day of school?" I looked up to him. "It was ok, I wish I had more study halls that way I can go to the art room and draw more birds." He giggled and looked at me. "You really like birds huh?" I looked at him and smiled and nodded. "Well there's nothing wrong with that. So I was thinking this weekend, my friends and I are going to our favorite place in the woods, we were thinking that maybe you would like to come?" I thought about it and then answered. "Yea that doesn't sound too bad." He smiled and nodded. "Alright, we will pick you up at your house, what's your address?" I took out a pice of paper and wrote down my address with a small sketch of my house. I have to him and he looked at it. He put the address in his pocket and held out his hand. I took it and we shook hands. "Pleasure doing business with you, and it's a pleasure to meet you Noelle." He smiled and walked off to where his home is. My mom beeped the horn and I entered the car. "Who was that?" My mom looked at me with a grin and wiggling her eyebrows. "That was Jack Williams." "He's a handsome boy huh?" I looked out the window. "Oh my god mom it's the first day of school." I laughed and she did too. She started to leave the school and we were on the road. "Did you make any friends? Like that Jack boy?" I giggle and nodded. "Yea Jack introduced me to his friends, Andy, Carter, Zoe, and Sam." My mom looked at me with a smile and I looked at her confused. "What?" I asked. "I'm just proud that your getting friends you first day. I remember the first day of school you would never talk to anyone." I looked out the window and waited to come to our destination. We arrived home and as soon as I walked in, I was met with my dog Archie. "Hey buddy! Did you miss me?" Archie jumped and wagged his tail. Then I walked up to my room and set my backpack in my room and started to do my homework. My brother walked into my room and told me that dinner was ready and I walked downstairs. "Moms famous spaghetti! Looks good honey." My dad said and I took a bowl and then took a seat. My dad and I normally give Archie a meatball secretly without mom knowing. "So how was your first day of school Bailey?" My dad asks. "It was pretty cool, we learned about division, gross stuff." Bailey said with a scoff. "Well at least your not a senior like Noelle, I bet she gets a lot of work." My mom said. The rest of dinner was asking about our day and how it was but then mom said something not good. "Noelle met a boy, named Jack today." My dad looked at me with a look. "The first person you meet is a boy?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Dad he is very nice, he isn't rude or anything." My dad sighed and looked at me. "Noelle I just want you to be safe." I lowered my head and brought it back up. "I know dad, and I am glad that you are looking after me, but Jack is very nice, he won't try anything." He gave me the dad look. I know what's coming up. "If he dose anything to hurt you, I'm here." I finished up my food and walked over to my dad and hugged him. "I know, and also this weekend I was wondering if I could hang out with him and his friends?" I looked between mom and dad waiting for their answers. My dad looked at her with wide eyes and I saw my mom shake her head. "Yes you can." I smiled and thanked them. I walked up to my room and got ready for bed. Can't wait for this weekend.

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