May we meet again (Giyuu x Reader angst)

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"Well, Mitsuri-chan, I guess this is where our conversation ends. I'll have to take my leave now." The Love Hashira-Kanroji Mitsuri sends a smile in your direction. "O-Oh sure! And if you ever needed my assistance again, please feel free to ask me!" She squeaked. You couldn't help but chuckle at your friend "Of course Mitsu! And the next time we meet, I'll make sure to bring some sakura mochi for you~" As you were about to leave, Mitsuri called out to you again "Good luck with Tomioka-san!!" You smiled, then turned towards her a make a teasing face "Good luck with Iguro-san, then~" After you teased her, you started to head towards the destination that your latest mission had asked you to be.

You were assigned to go on a mission at a lone village, where the villagers would sacrifice human flesh to a demon to devour every week to prevent the whole village from being attacked, or worse, eaten. This made you curious about how you would've reacted when one threatened you to do the same, perhaps you would've slain them?

Demons aren't terrifying for you, considering that you're the Light Hashira, even when you're not the strongest, it was safe to say that you were the fastest, sometimes, you also named yourself "The Best Support Hashira One Could Ever Find." The other hashiras found this weird, but they played along with you anyways.

~ Time skip ~

"Oi! Tomioka-san! Wait up!" You shouted out loud for the black-haired male in front of you to hear. Though the male showed no signs of slowing down, you soon caught up with him either way. "Tomioka-san... why didn't you wait for me? We were supposed to do this mission together!" You exclaimed hurriedly before Tomioka widens the distance between you two. "Come on now~ At least answer me!" He signed "Fine, I just thought that your breathing style isn't suitable for this mission, so it'll be better if I do it myself." You gasped, tears dramatically flowing down your cheeks "You're worried for me! I knew that you're different from the rumors that the others spread. Soooo, can I call you by Giyuu-kun?" You asked him with a hopeful tone, waiting for a response. "Not really, Y/N. I just want to finish this mission as fast as possible, since I have a date with Shinobu to go to." You went silent for a moment or two, then decided to nod at his sudden statement.

The atmosphere was awkward, but it gave you the silence you needed to think about... things. After some doubts and arguments you had in your brilliant mind, you thought that if he's happier with Shinobu, then letting him spend time with her is the least you could do, right? After all, if he's happy, then you'll be happy, too!

"Hmmm, Tomioka-san! Why don't you head back to your estate, so you can prepare for your date with Kochou-san?" He was unsure about it at first, but you continued "I insist! You needn't worry about me, I am fully capable of doing this mission alone, trust me!" He stared at you for a bit, probably making up his mind, then muttered "Thank you" while he was walking away, he called back "I don't know how to repay you, so if you ever needed my assistant, tell me." You waved him goodbye as you watched him slowly disappear behind the forest "All I need is for you to love me, Giyuu. But I guess not, heh..." You said as you smiled bitterly to yourself, thinking about how cruel life could've been.

Is Tomioka oblivious to your feelings, or did he know that you liked him from the start, but the feeling wasn't mutual? You don't know anymore. Ever since you got promoted to a Hashira, you've always wondered why he looked so lonely, and cold. Everyone seemed to dislike him, but he doesn't appear to be bad at all. This caused you to pity him, and you always volunteered to do missions with him. Soon, those feelings turned into curiosity...

The more time you've spent with him and the more you knew about his past, the more you were... invested in him. At first, you thought that you were only... curious, but soon learned that it was none other than love itself. And fortunately (or unfortunately?), time had proven to you that your love for the Water Hashira is pure and true, and you've always hoped, that he would return your feelings, but were you asking too much?

It would've been impossible for you to not fall for Giyuu, since you both worked a lot of missions together, and both of your fighting techniques support the other perfectly! Those aren't reasons why you fell for someone, but what can I say? Your feelings for Giyuu grew so naturally and quietly, so quietly that even you didn't know about it at all, but the symptoms were obvious, and you can't ignore it anymore, you were in love!

Your love for him was sweet, yes. The two of you have shared unintentionally intimate moments with each other, yes. You have a chance to be with him, yes. But it is time for you to go back to reality, Giyuu liked Shinobu, and Shinobu liked him back. That is something you have tried so hard to neglect for months now, but how could you ignore the obvious hints that have been going on between the two of them. How Shinobu would always suggest checking on Tomioka's health after every battle he took part in, and how he would always look into her eyes, the everyday stone-cold look was replaced with a warm and loving one. Oh, you would've died to have him look at you like that, even just for once!

~ Time skip ~

It was already midnight by the time you got back from the task you have suggested to work alone, letting the man you love go on a date with another person. You were badly injured, wounds all over your body, blood dripping out from all of your injuries as you walked towards Butterfly Mansion-the nearest place to get your injuries treated. Knowing that the door was locked, you decided to go to the garden, hoping that Aoi might've been there, for whatever reasons. But right in front of your eyes, was the man you've loved dearly kissing another girl, more specifically, the Insect Hashira-Kochou Shinobu. Tears threatened to flow down your cheeks, you want to turn around and leave immediately so bad, but your body didn't want to move.

How long you've stayed, you didn't know, you have lost count of time already, but you've been there, torturing yourself. The pain from all of the wounds you've got earlier can never compare to the searing pain that's been tormenting your heart right now. You clutched onto your haori, trying to soothe the pain that had torn your heart apart.

" Well... it seems that we weren't meant to be. May we meet again, dear Tomioka-san~ " Bitterly chuckled, you turned your back on the affectionate couple and walked away.

Never Again. A KNY x Reader Oneshots (On Break)Where stories live. Discover now