You should go get your girl (Sanemi x Reader angst)

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It was just another day, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping and you were on your way to hang out with your best friend like usual. "Hmmm, what should I bring as a gift for him, let me think... Oh, I know! Sanemi lovessss ohagi, so I should bring him some!" You thought out loud while skipping through the streets. But you couldn't blame yourself, you were extremely happy to meet your friend again. Ever since Sanemi was promoted to Hashira, he was so busy that hanging out with him now became a rare occasion, but you didn't mind, at least that's what you think.

Now don't get it wrong, you weren't jealous of him... okay maybe justtt a little. But it's just a little, other than that, you're extremely happy for him, I mean, you should, right? Sanemi just got promoted to the highest position in Demon Slayer Corps, so being the loveable and supportive friend you are, you send him a letter to congratulate him, but you never got a reply, and he had never done that before, so it made you wonder, what, or who had been keeping him so busy, that he doesn't even bother to write a letter back to you?

You've spent days trying to think of a reason why, but nothing came up, so it had ended up with you eavesdropping on some of the newbies and Kakushi's conversations lately, and it had provided you with a great amount of information that you have needed. Not that you've had bad intentions, you were just curious about how your friend had been, and why he was sooo busy lately. It certainly was a good enough reason for you to do such things. But after hearing dozens of gossip and rumors, you wonder, should you listen to them in the first place?

Sanemi was your best friend, who also happened to be the man of your dreams, the guy you loved. It was only natural that you felt a little upset when he got promoted. It made you feel that you weren't good enough for him, you don't deserve him, that you wouldn't be welcomed in his household - or estate, anymore. So how were you supposed to feel, when you heard that Sanemi had found himself a woman? And that woman was none other than the Flower Hashira - Kochou Kanae herself.

Of course, she was on the same level as him, so she deserved him, after all. As long as he's happy, you are happy, too! Plus, you don't have any right to forbid him from entering a relationship with someone. And now that you've known you stood no chance, perhaps it's for the better. You felt yourself slowing down while thinking about all of this, this had upset you, if you keep your current speed, you'll be late for your hangout with Sanemi. Suddenly, you felt several raindrops fall on your head, and then the heavy rain pours down on you. "Oh great!" You exclaimed sarcastically "It just had to rain now? Honestly? How worse can this get?!"

After a terrible stroll, you have finally arrived at the Wind Estate after a long walk in the rain, with water dripping hard from your clothes. Sanemi gave you a towel to dry yourself, then leads you to the main room. After you both had sat down, he started to talk "So, Y/N. I hope that you've been doing great?" Before you can give him a proper answer, he continues "I wanted you here because I wanted to ask you some things... You must have heard about that rumor about me and Kanae, right?" You just gave him a small nod, before gesturing him to continue "...I think I'll be confessing to her today... what do you think she likes...?" You felt like you couldn't speak, you wished that you couldn't speak, you wouldn't want to help the love of your life get together with someone else! No one would've wanted that at all! But yet again, if Sanemi's happy, then you are too. You forced yourself a smile, hoping that he wouldn't notice "What about flowers? She's the Flower Hashira, so she should like flowers..." You fell deep into your thoughts again, then spoke up "Or you could try and get her some sweets or baking goods, I think every girl likes them, and if it's handmade, then you've just got a nice start." Sanemi stared at you for a bit, then stood up and said "Thank you, Y/N, that helps. Kanae would be arriving at any time now, so I think it's time we say goodbye" You nodded, then slowly made your way out of the estate while unintentionally(?) walking towards the forest.

When you believe that you're in the middle of the forest, you yelled out the things that irritated you. "Seriously, I didn't even get a proper talk with him. All he ever says is about that stupid Hashira! I wish she would just die!" You went quiet for a moment, then muttered "Who am I kidding, she was the perfect fit for him... She had the perfect smile, she was patient enough for his hot head, she has a pretty face and body, she was also strong... My chances are zero..." You throw yourself to the ground, sobbing to yourself without noticing that it's starting to turn dark.

~Time skip brought to you by ME-Your lovely author~

How stupid of you, being in the middle of a forest at night - the time when the demons came out of their hideouts. You were a Demon Slayer, yeah, but you weren't strong, and fate had decided that you should meet a Lowermoon when you're at the age of 18, and just say goodbye to the world, this hopefully wouldn't be your end, right?

"Y/N?! What were you thinking? What if I didn't find you!" Who's that...? You slowly opened your eyes to see Sanemi, with a worried expression, you thought "He's worried... for me?" you gave him a small smile, glad to know that he still cares for you. You thought that this might be the best time for a confession, well, you're dying anyway, so it felt right. You opened your mouth to interrupt Sanemi's lecturing about how you shouldn't be out in the woods in the middle of the night "Listen, listen Sanemi, listen to me" when you saw that he had stopped talking, you continued "I know you love someone else, but I'll just say this sooner or later, so listen closely to what I'm about to say. Sanemi... I-I love you..."

He was shocked, very shocked, then he opened his mouth to answer "I-I don't feel the same way, sorry..." You let out a bitter chuckle "Heh, I already knew that... Where's Kanae by the way? Have you two got together yet?" He slowly nodded, "I was going on a date with her... but when I heard that you've met a Lowermoon, I came here immediately, now stop talking and let me bring you back to the Butterfly Mansion." Sanemi lifted you and placed you on his back, but you kept moving so he accidentally dropped you. "What do you think you're doing?! You're going to die soon if we don't hurry!" You choked a bit from the fall, but looked up at him and smiled "Don't worry about me, I can make it back safely and quickly without you. Go get your girl, you have my blessings... Tho it doesn't matter" You tried to stand up to show him that you're fine, which did the job nicely. He nodded and muttered, "Then you better be fine, Y/N, or else I won't forgive myself..." before walking away.

After Sanemi was out of your sight, you instantly collapsed to the ground. You knew that you didn't have much time left, but you would rather die than get to live, especially now that you've confessed and got rejected and Sanemi was in a relationship and he had seen your weakest side. Sure, it was quite selfish of you to do so, Sanemi would've broken down when he knew that you didn't survive. But it's the perfect way for you to escape this world, after all. "I hope you'll get to marry the girl you love, Sanemi..." were your last words, before your body became cold and lifeless, forever...

Out there somewhere, Sanemi and Kanae were holding hands, walking down the streets, with dangos in their hands, chatting cheerfully. Sanemi was having the time of his life, and he was sure that his best friend is currently being treated in the Butterfly Mansion, and she'll be just alright when he got back. Little does he know... it was the last time he'll ever see his friend again...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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