Loveing again

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200 years later

UP ON OLYMPUS~ Daria Laid on her sofa on her side looking down on earth Athena and Aphrodite sat near the pond talking, Daria was bored and needed to do something but right now Hera Is enraged with Zeus...Again he went down to earth and screwed another Mortal so going down to earth might cause Hera to think your helping Zeus, So Daria was not about to get into another conflict with Zeus, Aphrodite calls Daria from Across the Pond " I wouldn't worry about their fighting this time Ria" Says Aphrodite as she looked at her nails " yeah you know your the only goddess beside his daughters he hasn't screwed" said Athena "Thanks for the Compliment Athena" she says Then Thunder cracked up in the palace, Daria sighs then Aphrodite popped up beside her " You know babe you need to get yourself a Boyfriend or something" says Aphrodite " No I don't" says Daria " Sure you do you know you don't need to end up like Artemis all lonely and stuff" Says Aphrodite " She has her Dryads" says Daria " yeah well why not we go to earth and find a Nice handsome guy for you to not be lonely" says Aphrodite "why would i want a mortal?" asked Daria " look he won't mean anything i can enchant him and you will be fine" says Aphrodite " But i said i wouldn't ever fall in love again" Says Draia " Oh come on Athena Say something would ya" says Aphrodite " My sister is right Ria go down have some fun Mom and Dad seem to have cooled down..." says Athena disappearing " Fine but we go to my Temple not yours" Says Draia " Oh but...fine but make your Priestesses order the Fondue" says Aphrodite jumping on her cloud Draia does the same and they arrived to Draias temple where Aphrodite looks around " wow you changed the place" She says as she looked at the golden statue of Draia " My followers Made a statue of me in honor of the great year" says Daria Aphrodite nods " I wish my followers did that" she says Daria " well if your willing to work for it" " sounds boring OK let's go find a guy" says Aphrodite ( no mortal can see them unless they allow it) They walk through the village Aphrodite points to a Big buff guy " What about him?" Asked Aphrodite " Um not my type" she says " Aww come on he has a very nice looking..." "Don't you say it" says Daria " Alright fine how about That guy he's cute" says Aphrodite Daria looks over " he's the war lords son" says Daria " So" says Aphrodite " Come on" begged Aphrodite " No" " Fine...but the next guy that we see when we Enter the Tavern" says Aphrodite " Buttt....ugh fine" " yeah" she says Fluffing up her blonde hair and fixing her clothes, Aphrodite pushes Daria in the Tavern and Then walks in happily with her eyes close, Daria was on top of a guy with black hair and dark armor Aphrodite raises her brows and helps Daria up " Now appear before him and Apologize for bumping into him" says Aphrodite " What? Why?" Says Daria " just do it" says Aphrodite Daria Did and the guy eyes widen when he saw a Brown head women who was very attractive in a Blue dress " Uh hi" he says she offered her hand " Hello" she said the rest of the men eyes were all widen and mouths Gawking at the site " The Goddess of Goodness" some of the men said She looks around " Just Daria please" she says the guy took her hand she smiles, " Uh I'm Uh Andy" he says knowing he can't lie to a Goddess " wow he got a real dumb name" says Aphrodite Daria looks at the unseen Aphrodite that she could only see " I ran into you I'm sorry" she says he looks around " it's no big deal" he says she sighs and turns to leave " what are you doing?" Asked Aphrodite Daria looks at her " Don't worry" she says and walks out Aphrodite watched as Andy followed Daria " Oh you smart Minks" she says and follows, Daria Turns around and smiles " Why did you follow me?" She asked " I wanted to see if you were ok" he asked " You concern for a God" she says he blushes and laughs " well what I ment to say" he says she laughs and pulls him into a kiss Aphrodite claps her hand " woah go Ria!" She says as Daria Led Him away to the Meadow...Aphrodite waited till Daria appeared with a Happy smile " Wow....that was great" she says " so you did enjoy yourself?" Asked Aphrodite " Uh yeah it was great" she says all Blushy Aphrodite laughs " Oh you clever women" she says as they disappeared to the heavens They went to the Garden were Athena and Artemis were wading in the water Aphrodite giggles " So Ms. Goodness Just finally had sex with someone" She says Daria blushes " Don't say it out loud Aphrodite" says Daria " Don't worry you'll be fine we are all girls here...well except for Artemis" says Aphrodite jokingly. " I'm the goddess of The hunt and Maiden Aphrodite" says Artemis " who cares....Daria do you feel better now?" Asked Aphrodite Daria nods " yes I do feel fine" says Daria walking away in a dreamy way " Ohh she's in love again" says Aphrodite, Daria heads to the thrown room when the Fates appeared " My dear you are to have a child" said the future Fate said the present fate says " Your child is forming in your womb" " She will be a Brave warrior" says the future fate Daria Eyes widen " But she will not be born a God...but a Half God" says The future fate " Zeus will never know who the father is" says the fates She gasped and hurried away.

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