carnival dream - drabble

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"Did I tell you about getting stuck on the Zipper? That carnival ride?"

"Is this another one of your Mexico stories?" Barney said, blotting his syrupy lips with a napkin. "Because if it is, I don't want to hear it."

Later that night, Ellis had a dream that Barney went on the Zipper with him. They sat side by side, scared but unable to wake up. They gripped each other's hands, bracing themselves.

But when the seats rose and began to move, they weren't on the Zipper. Whatever the new ride was called, it was much slower and gentler. Barney let a smile form. Ellis relaxed. Neither let go, though.

They continued to fly, without fear of falling.

In the end this time, the only pink was from the glow of Barney's smiling cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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