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Tommy sat in a room, plain and bright. He was thinking, sitting on the edge of a plain bed with his leg shaking as he stared at the door. It was locked from the outside and seemed almost impossible to open from where he was.

So, he thought.

He thought of a way to leave the room. He needed to get home before Tubbo got off of work or else he would be stressing over the blond boy.
Yet, a knock at the door interrupted his thoughts and he blinked a few times. His leg stopped shaking and he stood. Then the latch to the door was heard being unlocked. Tommy stepped forward one step, and silence. After a beat, the door opened slowly to a masked face.
Tommy took the same step backward as the man opened the door further and walked inside the room.

"Oh, you're up?" A gentle voice asked being slightly muffled by the fabric of the mask.
Tommy huffed out a small laugh. He was standing in front of one of the top 10 heroes, Tempus. 
The hero brought in a cart after him, closing the door and inserting a key into the handle to lock them in together.

The cart seemed to be full of medical equipment and some other items Tommy wasn't familiar with in the slightest. He stared in confusion as the hero began putting gloves on.
"What's- uh, what's all that for...?" He said impatiently as he pointed towards all the equipment.
"You," The hero said as he picked up a syringe in which he inserted a rather long needle into it.
Tommy seemed confused, afraid, and even more so, worried. He had absolutely no idea why he was here, or how he even made it here, and he was afraid of the reason there was so much medical equipment.

The hero stared at him, seeing the fear behind his eyes. Although, it seemed as if he didn't care about Tommy's emotions in that moment. He slowly walked towards the boy in which prompted Tommy to back away.
In the small room, he backed up to the wall that the head of the bed was on as Tempus continued taking slow steps towards the boy. Once his back hit the white wall, Tommy clenched his fists.

Tempus acted towards Tommy as though he were a feral raccoon. As if he could attack at any given moment.
"Tommy," he knew his name... "please let me do my job."
Tommy's eyes widened as he thought.
"How the fuck is this your job...?" The blond boy asked as Tempus took another cautious step toward him.
The hero flashed a smile, Tommy could see it in his eyes even though his mouth was covered.

"Tommy, you're dangerous," he started as Tommy felt a slight confusion makes its way onto his expression, "I know you may not think of yourself as a danger, but XD has made you one." He took another step.

Tommy was confused, that was for sure. He was made into a danger? He didn't even have any powers, how would XD even think of him as a danger?
As he was caught up in his web of questions, Tempus made his way up close to Tommy. He inserted the needle into the boys arm in which caught his attention.

"Aye what the fuck man!" Tommy said trying to yank his arm away. Tempus shook his head as he pushed the fluid into Tommy's arm.
"What was in that?!" the boy demanded. "What the shit was in that?!" He said as the needle was quickly pulled from his arm. A My Little Pony band aid was placed where a bead of crimson blood pooled.
"The activator." Tempus said as he walked back to the cart. Tommy again looked confused, but he couldn't keep the emotion for long as the anger came bursting out again.
He stared holes into Tempus' head as he was conjuring what to say.

"Why the fuck did you have to do that?" He asked in a hushed tone as glass tubes were clinked into one another. Tempus let out a sigh, stopping his moving hands while shaking his head. He didn't turn to look back at the boy, he only began to speak.
"Tommy, you were born without any abilities, yes?" Tempus asked.

"Yes but-"

"So, we've given you some." Tommy was confused at the words Tempus spoke. How could someone just give another abilities?
Tempus turned to face the boy, seeing the confusion laced in his expression. He sighed once again, maintaining comfortable eye contact with Tommy.

"We've researched, a lot, Tommy." He stated, his hand going to scratch his chin, "and... we've figured out a way to give people powers."
Tommy couldn't believe it. He wouldn't believe it. This... this wasn't how people should get abilities. They should be born with them. Other than that, civilians should be able to go about their lives, powerless.

"H-How...?" He asked, his voice breaking as Tempus turned back to the medical cart. He picked up one more vial, this time empty, and a different syringe.
"Trial," he looked towards Tommy again, "...and error." The boy could hear the smirk under his mask.

Tommy blinked, a few beats passing as Tempus slowly made his way over to the boy. He could feel himself going fuzzy, it had to have been from the first liquid. Or at least that's what he concluded. Nothing could be made sure of, he hadn't known what was happening in the first place or how he even got here. He never wanted abilities, he wanted to live his life without them; a normal life.
But as his thoughts were crowding up his mind, a sharp pain came to his shoulder, the same shoulder the other needle was inserted into.
He saw a red liquid being pulled out with the needle; his blood was filling it.

"What...?" He asked, the world spinning as Tempus held him up. The syringe filled and Tommy was moved over to the white bed, being sat on it. Tommy was having a difficult time knowing what was happening, his head was pounding too hard. Although, he did see Tempus leaving, waving goodbye to the blond boy as the door shut and everything of color was taken from the room.
So, as Tommy's world fell dark quickly again, he dreamed about his old life in his shared apartment with Tubbo and Ranboo. Only to wake to the same white room as before.

Tommy woke in the same room as before, panting as he jolted up. The room was empty, no life in sight.
The boy blinked a few times, holding himself up on his elbows. As he breathed heavily, he closed his eyes, his head was pounding.
Tommy tried to steady his breathing.
Count... 10, he thought, 9... 8... 7, He matched his breathing to the numbers, 6... 5... 4... 3, he felt a singular sharp breath, 2... "1..." He breathed out.
He sat up straight as slowly as he could, every little movement made his head pound harder. Even as he tried to ignore it, the bright, white lights continued to make it worse and worse. As it became too hard to bare, Tommy forced his eyes shut and sat there, a small jolt from who knows what every-so-often.

The ringing in his ears became obnoxiously intolerable as he sat. It could have even become more annoying than Tommy himself. And that... that was saying quit a lot.

The ringing was too loud for Tommy to think, it was almost louder than his slow breathing, and it was almost louder than the door creaking open.

Wait... The door was creaking open.

Tommy's eyes quickly snapped open as he looked to the door. Tempus was slowly opening the door, gliding in quickly after to shut and lock it.
The blond boy's head still pounded, but he tried to keep his attention on Tempus. He didn't want any funny business happening whilst he wasn't alert. His vision went slightly blurry for a moment, only for it to become clear again after a single beat.

Tommy wanted to say something, but it felt as though he couldn't. It was difficult to make a sentence with the lights burning his eyes and his head feeling like a drum. He didn't want to embarrass himself with saying something stupid so he stayed quiet. It was unlike Tommy to do so, but the big man had to do what had to be done.
Tommy sighed as he kept forcing his eyes to stay open. Tempus was just watching him from where he stood near the door.

As Tommy's head pounding began to slowly decline, he could make out the shape of a not pad in Tempus' hands. He also realized that the hero had been writing things down the whole time he'd been in the room.
How long had he been in the room? 5 minutes? No it had to be more than that... maybe 15?

That didn't matter, because Tommy's thoughts were stricken with Tempus' words.
"Tommy?" He blankly asked. Tommy hadn't really noticed that he was still staring at the man. He had been for a while, never taking his eyes off of him.
The boy blinked a few times and looked away for a second, clenching his eyes closed as they had dried out from staring.

"Tommy, how are you feeling?" Tempus said as Tommy rubbed his dry eyes, urging them to begin tearing up slightly.
He huffed as he opened his mouth to try and find words.

He waited a moment, Tempus as well, until he formed the sentence he wanted to try and pronounce. Normally, on the daily, Tommy wouldn't do this. He spoke without thinking. But it was difficult now, nothing would come out if he did.

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