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                    #ALVIN'S POV#

'Grrrrrrh...Wake up, wake up. Sleepyhead, it's another morning'
"Phahhhh..." And that goes the alarm clock. What did I just do?? Did I just throw my alarm clock away???OMG! My precious alarm clock! I immediately throw the duvet aside.
"I'm sorry... Thank God, it's working."
It's a normal weekend or maybe not because I"m going to be spending the evenings with someone who amuses me. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror opposite my king sized bed.
"Help me Oh God!!! I'm smiling!!!!!I must be coming down with a fever!!" I quickly took my phone from the bedside.
"I need to see you today, Dr. Kim"
"Good Morning to you too." She said in that sarcastic tone and Korean accent I've always found exciting but not this morning."/무엇을 원하세요?/" /mueos-eul wonhaseyo?/(What do you want?)

She did it again. Her korean is just so beautiful!
"I think I need another physical check up. I think I'm coming down with fever."
"What?! Are you feeling? What are the symptoms? Is it very serious?" She asked.
"I just caught myself smiling in the mirror so it must be pretty serious right?"
"OMG! I think you are coming down with a very serious fever!"
"I think so too"
"My schedule is pretty tight today. I would see if I can clear a few hours for you in the next four days."
"What? It's urgent!"
"The events in my scheduler are very urgent too, Mr. Knight."
"How dare you treat the CEO of Knight Corporations like this?!"
"Sorry Alvin but you have to wait for your turn. What is pretty urgent about you smiling on a fresh and beautiful morning like this?"
"What is urgent about it is that I've not smiled in years."
"Then it's a good sign of something good to come."
"No it's... Hello!Hello! Gosh! How dare she cut the phone. Hmmph!
Thirty unread mails?I've never left my mails unread.
A cup of Iced Americano to go with as I filter through the emails. I guess I need to make a lot of calls.
"Good Morning, Brahms."
"What is so good about the morning?" He asked in that rough, husky tone that suggests I woke him up with the call.
"I'll be in the office by 9am. Schedule a meeting with the board of directors."
"Is that why you woke me up? You have a secretary Alvin. Why do you like disturbing me?"
"It's a secret meeting."
"Why? What's wrong?" He is now fully awake. Good.
"I was just joking. Anything to make you fully awake and bring you to the realisation that it's your boss you're talking to."
"When last I checked, it was 6:26 am in the morning and I'm still in bed not at work. Therefore, I'm speaking to Alvin, a childhood friend. Do you understand?"
"No, I don't" I replied
"You have a signing event coming up in the next five days." He said.
"I'm not attending."
"You must be joking. You have turned down three signing event recently. If you keep up with this you would lose your fans."
"Dude, I have loyal fans."
I heard his sigh." I am your manager, Purple Me and you are attending this upcoming event. All you need to do is sit down, smile at your fans, take pictures, sign autographs and hand out souvenirs. Why don't you like your fans?"
"Don't misinterpret me. I never said I don't like my fans. I love them. They are nice, loyal and cute. They are my inspiration but..."
"But what Alvin?"
"I'm not the best fan of publicity. You know the story, don't you? You know me better than anyone so you shouldn't be acting like this. I did not develop this hate for publicity in one day."
"But I thought that is already changing. Are you not teaching  at that school without any disguise or mask?"
"That is different." I argued.
"It's the same thing, Alvin. You are just been unreasonable." I can hear his not so subtle sigh over the phone
"I'm not."
"Your mum really worries about you. She called me recently. She asked me what you've been up to since you've not been regular at the company and your book signing event."
"I hope you didn't tell her about the teaching job."
"What do you take me for. I did not tell her of course."
"But you know, she is a smart woman so you can't keep secrets from her for so long. She would eventually find out just the same way she found out about your books back then."
"I know and I will be expecting it."
"Gosh, I hate you Alvin."
"I love you too, Brahms. Don't forget about the meeting."
"Don't forget about the upcoming signing events."
"Don't forget, I said I'm not attending."
"You are. Bye."
I just concluded the meeting with the board of directors.
"What is my schedule for this evening?" I ask Secretary Ivan as I sign some documents.
"Dinner with CEO Dave of The Jaguar." He replied.
"Cancel it."
"Sir, if we do, they might..." I look up from the documents.
"Cancel it."
"Okay sir." He conceded.
"Hand this over to the marketing department. Tell them to input the corrections I've made and submit the new edition by Monday Afternoon."
"Yes sir."
"That is if you would be around." He muttered to himself.
"You said what?" I asked in that chilling voice that I well know the effect it has on people.
He turns back."Nothing, Sir. "
"I repeat, you said what?"
"Sir, if I may dare say it, your absence at t.."
"Stop, you can take your leave and you are dismissed for the day."
"Okay Sir, I would arrange your car for you."
"No need, I'm not going home yet." I said.
"Then I would arrange your driver for you."
"There would be no need for that. I'm going somewhere." I says but I realise he us not ready to concede do I add. "Alone. Dismiss the drivers for today too."
I ringed the doorbell." Welcome Alvin." Clarissa greeted.
"How are you doing?" I asked while changing my shoes to the provided flipflop
"I'm alright. Why are you in a suit?" She asked.
"I went somewhere official." I stutter and she nods.

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