Bitchy interns

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Derek looked to addison and to Chloe in shock. "What are you doing here?" Derek asked as he looked to addison . He glanced to Chloe and saw the tiny bump

He was to be a father. He knew how he had to get his head around it "you'd hair is different" addison said

"A lot of things are different and you couldn't even pick up a phone" derek asked as Chloe frowned

"Don't blame her. Your the one who upped and left after you shot your spunk in her and did a runner" Madison said

"This isn't how I wanted you find out" Chloe said as Derek looked to her and smiled. He knew he never blamed Chloe. He knew leaving Chloe was the hardest thing and he knew how he had met Meredith and he knew he cared for her but Meredith was never chloe

"What are you doing here? You pick up and leave everything, your house, practice, friends? You had a life in Manhattan and they includes getting my daughter" addison said


"And now you have a new girlfriend. What did we do ditch Chloe and my mother for her. She just get off on the brain surgeon thing" Madison said

"Madison" Chloe said

"It's what he was going for the anti addison" addison said

"If you came here to win me back"

"No I came here for work for you to face your responsibilities. Chloe" addison said as Chloe and derek held a look

"I feel so" Chloe said as she risked out of the hospital feeling nauseous

Chloe  stood outside of the hospital. She was trying to remain strong and not break down. She knew that she wasn't as strong as she acted. Chloe knew how it was all a mess

Chloe frowned as she saw Madison as she wakes over to where she was

"Are you okay " madison asked as a tear rolled down Chloe's face

"I'm sorry. I never meant for this. It's a mess and here he is again with another girl. I thought what we had was different and here I am agreeing to come here hoping he'll be supportive and that we can do it and he's seeing someone else" Chloe sobbed

"I'm sorry" Madison said. The two sister stood in the pouring rain. Chloe knew that she was crying and she didn't care. She couldn't stay strong. It was all a mess. She was having derek shepherd baby and it was messy and now she knew she meant nothing

"I'm so sorry he did this to you Chloe. Your my best friend. My sister Your my person and the most important my person to me. I'm so sorry he hurt you " Madison said as  hope placed a hand over her mouth

She was sobbing. "How could he do this to me. I thought he loved me. I thought what we had was real"  chloe sobbed as mason walked over to her and hugged her as Chloe sobbed onto her shoulder as Madison held her close


Chloe walked out of the hospital. It was still raining. Derek was running after Meredit. Chloe looked to them and frowned "mer...Meredith wait" he called

"Go away" Meredith spat as she turned to face him.

"Just wait. We should discuss this" derek said

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