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I recommend dark mode for this story

Nobody wants to be hurt by people they like. But it's pretty normal for that to happen, when people confess their feelings.

Riki never wanted that too happened, but for a year now he has been crushing on a senior.

It's hard being too shy to even talk too your crush, and Riki at the same time didn't have any opportunity even if he wanted too.

So what could he do?

Well that's why his best friend Jungwon was making out the perfect plan for his lovely bestie.

"There he goes again, Sunoo please help me bring him back" Jungwon said rolling his eyes at his best friend, who was currently looking- scratch that staring at his crush walking by in the hallway, with the most hopeful heart eyes, he had ever seen.

"YAH MURA" Sunoo said waving his hands in front of Riki's face.

And the lost boy finally came back too his friends, "what?" He asked confused, and lowkey offended his friends had stopped his admiring.

"Just go talk to him already, geez how are you ever gonna confess to him dumbass" Sunoo said rolling his eyes and closing his locker.

"I don't want to confess Sunoo" Niki said now also leaving some of his books in his locker before closing it. "I don't want to be rejected by him" Niki said with a pout.

"Then don't confess"

That statement made the two boys looked at Their best friend, like he had grown an extra head in the last few seconds. "Yeah great idea wonnie, he might as well just never find a boyfriend" Sunoo sarcastically said with an eye roll

"Yeah I have too agree with Sunoo on this one, that is just stupid, then I'll never be with him" Niki said leaning against his locker

"I'm just saying there's other ways to confess then trough words" jungwon said as he now finally closed his locker.

"And what ways could that possibly be? Mmm?"

"Make him confess first"

School finished, meaning people hanging out with friends and sports, but for the trio they had to study.

After their talk at the lockers, they two confused boys hadn't dropped the topic, and jungwon was almost starting to regret bringing it up.

"Let's talk about it in the library guys, people will find out about your little crush if you keep talking here" jungwon said finally shutting the other two up.

"I wouldn't say little tho-" "everyone is watching the soccer practice anyways so nobody will even be in the hallway" Niki said interrupting Sunoo mid through sentence.

"Really? Then you wouldn't mind if i yelled that RIKI HAS A BIG FAT—" jungwon got caught of by a hand slamming over his mouth stopping him from exposing Riki.

"No need to yell idiot" Riki whisper shouted at him.

Riki removed his hands for his mouth "what I was just gonna say you have a big fat ass" said jungwon, niki looked at jungwon in disappointment as he said "let's just go too the library"

"Okay now explain please, I'm so lost" Sunoo said as they sat down at a table in the back of the library, making sure not too disturb any of the students, and most important, making sure nobody hears.

"It's pretty easy, all you have to do is make him confess first" jungwon said, and Niki rolled his eyes "but he doesn't even know I exist won" the youngest now said laying his face in his hands on the table.

Sunoo patted his back, as jungwon thought about it a little "then we have to make him know" he said, Sunoo looked at jungwon, while Niki still was laying with his face in hands.

"How are we gonna do that?" Sunoo asked, "let's make a plan!" Jungwon said, as Niki finally raised his head too look at him "no offense won, but this isn't a movie where we'll make some board with ideas to get us together" Niki Said

"I know i know, But What if We just made like a list, write the things Niki needs to do, and play it like a game?" The others didn't look convinced "come on guys, is there any better idea?" Jungwon said again

"The dumbass could just confess" Sunoo said rolling his eyes, and Niki smacked him on the shoulder for the comment.

"Ok fine, make a list then" Niki said, as jungwon smirked at that "right on it"

Just a sneak peek
Anyways I'm such a horrible person for coming and leaving sry bout that😅

(I began to cringe over myself, realizing I was using my winter break making fic stories😭)

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