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HE CAME LURKING AT NIGHT, hiding in the dark corners of alleys, the one creeping up on your room— feeding on your deepest darkest fears. Sadness, anger, violence; he feeds in them as if it's the tastiest candy. His eerie presence makes one quiver and the mere thought of a dark figure watching you sleep or as you cry silently into your room is terrifying, so he likes it. Oh, how he likes it.

but one strange night, while he was roaming a dark alley, waiting for his next prey, He met a girl with sad brown eyes, and he would love nothing more than to eat her and take her dark energy that was pouring out of her pale face. The girl looks up and he moves closer, eyeing his new victim.

The girl smiled. "Oh, hello there." she said. she stopped crying.

The monster stopped and stared, wide eyed. "You can see me?" he mumbles, confused. Mostly to himself. He had checked his wrist to see if his veil markings are present. It is there, written in his skin. No human could possibly see him.

"Why wouldn't I?" the odd girl laughed "You're tall and your eyes are red. You kind of stood out."

bewildered, the monster stood frozen on the ground. For the first time in eons— he was anxious. Yet interested as to why this odd girl can see her when no one else can.

"Nice contacts, by the way." she said referring to the red eyes.

"It's not fake."

"Huh." she mumbles "interesting."

The girl took a long and good look at the tall man with crimson eyes— scrutinizing. The monster felt a wave of uneasiness spreads towards him. Another first time. She tilts her head sideways while staring intently, he stared back. What is so different with you? He thought. The girl offered her hand to shake his

"I'm Dawn. By the way." she said causally "What's your name?"

"I-"he whispered "I have to go."

Dawn? No no, that can't be! He thought.

"Wait! You're not human." Dawn said softly as if something had snapped in her memory.

He was troubled because not only did this Dawn person knew that he was not human but also because Dawn is the name of his death-bringer according to his father, Azazel. A demon.

"No, Dawn. I am not." his haunting red eyes stared intensely at the girl. "I am the monster that lurks in the dark and eats human flesh." he seethed. "Quite frankly, Dawn, pale flesh is my absolute favorite."

Dawn quivered. She was frightened and ready to run for the hills but there is something in him that draws her in. She feels the darkness that surrounds him and the anger in his haunting eyes, and yet Dawn stayed. She can't seem to turn around and dash away. In fact, she took a step closer.

"Tell me your name." her voice soft, barely a whisper.

"Why would I do that?" he sneered.

"because I'm curious."

"you do know that curiosity murdered that cat, right?"

she smirked. "then, I'll die satisfied."

He was taken aback by her remark. Her bravery was quite amusing.

"Well," he smirked "Aren't you a brave cat."

"Tell me." she demanded softly.

"I'll let you go, Dawn. for now." The monster said. "You're entertaining and I'm in a good mood or else I'd be wearing your skin and bathing in your blood."

Dawn chuckled dryly. "you mask your cowardice with vile intentions."

Again, the creature was surprised. He wants to tear her flesh apart for what she had said but he remained to where he's standing. He cannot even do anything but look at her— both amazed and terrified. There is something ethereal about this strange girl. He thought to himself. Something alluring but deadly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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