𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻 «𝐀𝐔»

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𝙀𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙙 𝘼𝙐
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 [ ? ]:Eddie was a mermaid, well he can turn into a human, he was in the human world but since every month he visits his parents, well that means he has to go to the ocean because that's where his parents live and well he has to turn back into his mermaid form, so he did and well he decided to explore a bit of the ocean after along time not being there and guess what, he bump into a black shark Symbiote...Venom, while exploring and I guess you could say venom was interested on him and what will happen next?


Deep down in the ocean, where the sun can still shine, lies a male mermaid, he has black-ish brown locks, pure ocean blue eyes, and a beautiful dark-ish blue to cyan coloured fishtail, he was picking up some seaweed and Krabs, Well that was for lunch. But some mermaid eats human souls, but it depends on their mood.

After picking up some food, Eddie goes inside his home.

"Hello dear back already with the food?" His mother spoke, while his father was sleeping.

"Yes, l got some Krabs and seaweeds" he replied back

"Alright good, l'll start cooking now." His mother said while grabbing the food.

"So uhm, mom can l maybe explore abit?" He ask.

She stopped on her tracks and looks back at her son, "Remember don't go to far, like l tell you there is a Symbiote shark a Black one hiding in different caves, so don't go exploring on any caves!'

"Yes yes l know mom, now lma go."

when Eddie was a child, his parents taught him not to go near symbiote sharks, their dangerous and can kill mermaids like him and also eat humans, the only thing to kill symbiote sharks are using the powerful trident. Well there was three symbiote sharks where Eddie lives when he was a child which is decades ago, two of them was in prison inside a cave where it's very far away where the Trident have locked them in but one a black one escaped somehow. And well Eddie never believed on those old legends about symbiote sharks.

Eddie then decide to test if the legends are correct he then goes to places deep down in the ocean where there's so many caves and pretty much the seaweeds/kelp are really tall and full of it. Pretty much it's really dark and where the sun don't shine, Eddie went to different variety of caves and didn't see any symbiote sharks he chuckles to himself knowing that his parents are just probably "overprotective" over him and don't want him to like get off their grasp. Until he stumble upon one cave it's a big one, he then saw a shiny oval......Eyes?

wait eyes. he didn't know what it was it looks like eyes to him, Eddie never saw symbiote sharks before so he approached it without any hesitation, but then the little oval things narrowed at him, which made eddie back off abit.

Then a black figure got out of the shadows, Eddie's eyes widen, it's a symbiote shark,it has a black skin with hints of white on his jaw and stomach, there were scars on it's tail and the creature was buff, the claws of the shark was as big as pretty much double the size of a human head, the creature has a shark dorsal fin it's tail was big and very long it has the same colour as it's skin. The sharks eyes was pure crystal white and oval shaped. The symbiote has Big sharp teeth and it was grinning at him.

Eddie then realised it was a Symbiote shark, the little mermaid backed off, but the tail of the shark stopped him from behind.

"Well hello there little one...." the shark spoke

Eddie shiver to the sharks voice, it was dark and deep, pretty much the definition of scary

"H-hi.." he stuttered

"Why are you exploring these part of the oceans, don't you know about us.."

"W-well at first l-l didn't believed the l-legends"

"Ah, do you believe them now.."
The shark said while doing his iconic shit-eating grin.

Eddie then nodded his head in response.
The shark then puts his index finger on top of the mermaids head while is thumb under the mermaids jaw, he then messes with Eddie's head kinda squishing it gently.

"So delicate....we could so easily crush your skull..." Eddie then made a expression that the shark doesn't understand, the sharks grip on Eddie was loosened, Eddie's expression was scared and fearful.

Eddie then turned his head away and begged for his life, "Please dont-!!" He cried out, tears shedding in his Ocean eyes he then shuts his eyes close, The creature then panicked abit the shark doesn't know what to do so he decided to put his large hand behind Eddie's head and started to scratch it gently.

The Little mermaid then calm down, Eddie started to to hum and leaned his head abit on the sharks hand thats behind his head, he then started to blush, The shark was still processing the situation and noticed the change of mood the mermaid did.


Eddie then open his eyes slowly, he wasn't dead whatsoever.

"Hmm, what's you're name Litte mermaid.."

"O-oh lm Brock, Eddi- l mean Eddie Brock" the mermaid said, his English literally giving up on him. The shark then chuckled on the mermaids respond.

"We are Venom, and you are mine."

[Ayyy lm using the reference from a movie, do you know what movie it is ;)))]

[PS: It starts with the latter V!, Alright, alright, sorry you can go back to reading now-]


"Yes, did we stutter"

Before Eddie could say anything, Venom goes to stick his tongue out and licked Eddie's lips. He then shove his foot long tongue down the mermaids throat, Muffled moans can be heard from the mermaid stuffed mouth.

"mmm..~" he moaned into the "kiss"

"Enjoying this Eddie?..." The shark question his l guess soon to be lover.

"Mhmm~...mmm~" he answered.


Venom then makes his tongue go up and down Eddie's throat making it more pleasurable for the little mermaid.



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