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Karina POV
The last bell of the day had rang and I had noticed that i have all my classes with that silver haired girl."What was that silver haired girls name again ?" I don't realize I had said that out loud until she was behind me and said" That silver haired girl name is Winter " I turned around to see her have a cute little smile on her face when she said that .

"Oh, Hi " I said as I looked down at my feet to avoid the awkwardness.

" So you know my name , What's yours ?" She said
"What's it to you " I responded
"Well I just feel like I should know the name of the prettiest girl I've ever seen" She responded with. I blushed red. Like not to dark but not to light of a tint of red .
"I-Im Karina." I said nervously and rushed off to my friends who were just staring at me cause they witnessed all that had happened.

"Ooooooo" they all said in unison.

"Seems like someone already is blushing over one of the new girls "Minnie said while teasing me.

"No I'm not " I said while blushing just a tad bit harder than. I thought.

"What's her name ?" Lisa asked
"If you want to know her name then you should go ask her " I told her
"Come on , Spill the tea " Hikaru begged me
"Nope. Figure it out yourselves " I said to Hikaru
"Pleeeeasseeeeee" The gang said in unison while giving me puppy eyes.
"You know what.... Fine " I told them cause I could stand their puppy eyes anymore.
"Yay . Now spill what you got on her" Yeonjun said with a serious face .
"All I know is that she's so beautiful and her name is Winter , which makes sense cause she reminds me of winter time when all is calm and beautiful an-" I was cut off when I turned to them and they had a huge smile on their faces as if they had witnessed a miracle.
"What ?" I asked them
"Oh , nothing it's just cute how you just trailed of about how beautiful she was when you only talked to her for like a minute or 2 ." Said Taehyung

"Anyways " Hikaru interrupted before it could escalate to this huge thing. "I'm having a party tonight at my place and your all invited ."
"LETS GO!" We shouted in unison

By the time I exited the school and was headed to my car , everyone had heard about Hikaru's party.

As I was headed to the car I heard a soft voice call my name . " Karina. Wait ." Haven't I heard that voice before. I turned around to look at who was calling me and I saw Winter. "Hi " I said as she came to a stop Infront of me . "Are you going to that party everyone is talking about" she asked . "Yea I kinda have to cause it's my friend Hikaru's party." As I responded I realized that she has these beautiful light brown eyes that made me just stare.

I hadn't noticed I was staring until I saw a small smirk for on her lips."Why you staring?"she said followed by a soft chuckle. "N-Nothing." I blushed a bit ." Mhm" she responded as she turned around and left.

Winters POV
After the last bell rang for school to end I saw her. The beautiful purple haired goddess. I went up to her because I wanted to introduce myself to her. As I stood behind her about to say hi ,I heard her say " What was the silver haired girls name again ?" I stayed silent for a second then said " That silver haired girls name is Winter."

She turned around with a little of a nervous face then looked at me and said "Oh, Hi" I could feel the awkwardness rising .

"So you know my name , What's yours ?" I said
"What's it to you " she responded. Fiesty I like it.
"Well I just feel like I should know the name of the prettiest girl I've ever seen" I said to her. I saw her blush a cute tint of pink .
"I-Im Karina."she says as she runs off leaving me just standing there.
She's cute.

After that interaction I went to find the group. First I saw the twins with the Huenings. So I went to sit with them.A couple minutes later Beomgyu, Jungkook, Chuu and Miyeon came over . Then finally Jennie and Solar. Jennie was smiling a bigger smile then what she usually does. What did she do this time.

Jennie sat down next in-between Chuu and Solar. "What did you do Jennie?" I asked her . She smiled. " I heard that there is going to be a party tonight."
"Oooooo" they said

"A party ?" I replied . Looking at her as if she was a crazy person .
"Oh come on Winter. Don't give me that look." I think she noticed the look.
"Why? You want us to go to that party. Where did you even hear that there is a party happening?" I asked her trying to scan her face to see if she was lying.
"I heard it from a girl named Hikaru. She came up to me and asked if I wanted to go to a party since I was new. I said yea so we are going to a party tonight."

I sighed as the rest cheered for the idea of going to a party.

"Please Winter. You will make new friends and maybe find a lover ." She said as she teased me. I smacked her arm . The rest just started to give me that look that seems like they saying " Ooooo she gonna get a lover ". You know ?

After the rest of them went to talk to others and get snacks. I was headed to the van to wait for the rest of them. Then I saw her. Karina. I wanted to ask if she was going to the party so I said " Karina. Wait." She turned around . I stopped infront of her and said "Hi." She is so fucking cute close up. I just gotta remember not to get to close to people

"Are you going to that party everyone is talking about" I asked . "Yea I kinda have to cause it's my friend Hikaru's party." She responded. Wait she friends with that Hikaru girl that went up to Jennie earlier.

She was staring . I know she was but I don't want to interrupt her . As she stared I looked into her blueish grayish eyes . Finally I broke the eye contact . ."Why you staring?"I said followed by a soft chuckle. "N-Nothing." I saw her little blush ." Mhm" I responded as I turned around and left. Why do I feel like this. It's my first day and I feel this feeling from some girl I met. What the hell.

It Was Just Supposed To Be A Dare ~ WinrinaWhere stories live. Discover now