Chapter One: The mute Girl

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I was born into a small pack. Only about 200 or so wolves. I was born into the Alpha family, so that should make me important, right? Ha, I wish.  I am currently 17 years old. My name is Sky Almores. My father? Raegan Almores, Alpha of this grand pack. I am the only heir to this pack but because I was not the son he wanted and had hoped for he murdered my mother and abuses me daily to ensure I know how much of a disgrace I am. Now, you're probably thinking, a pack full of 200 wolves someone must at least help you. Again, I wish. This pack might as well be full of rogues with how self-centered and cruel they are. The only reason I'm probably still sane is Nyla, my Wolf. She helps me get through every day. Without her, I honestly probably would've died long ago. Now, I bet you're wondering why don't I just leave this place...Well, that's because it's illegal. It's illegal for an unmated minor she-Wolfe to leave her pack unattended by a packmate. As in most packs, she-wolves are cherished. Protected. Ironic right? This pack only cares about power. I can't leave. Not until my birthday. Which thankfully is tomorrow. Although, I suppose that is enough about me. Let us start this sad tale, shall we?
I wake up to my alarm and sit up tiredly. Rubbing my eyes I look around and inwardly sigh. Same old attic. Such a shame, I had a nice dream about sleeping in a meadow. I look out my barred window, almost sunrise. I'm not sure how to tell time as I was never taught how to read except for the few words I showed myself and what my wolf taught me. So, I go by the sky. Ironic right? I stand up wincing as my bones crack as I stretch. Combing my fingers through my silver long hair I hurried quietly downstairs and into the kitchen. Every morning this was the routine. Wake up, go to the kitchen, and cook breakfast. Then hide away like the monster I am until lunch. I do know how to cook. Thankfully, they 'taught' me that. If I didn't do it right I was beaten. Then again...if I breathed incorrectly I was beaten. As quietly as I could I prepared breakfast and about 30 minutes later, I set the table that had bacon, eggs, toast, and waffles. There was enough there for an entire village.
'Honestly, they don't even need this much. You should take some...we need the energy.' I heard Nyla my wolf say. I relax hearing her voice.
'You know we can't do that. They whipped us last time we tried.' I argued back n sighed hearing the alarms of phones and clocks. Setting the last of the meal down I stepped back n stood in a corner waiting for my services to be needed or to be dismissed.  Pounding footsteps and many voices are heard as pack members pile into the thankfully big dining room/kitchen area and sit down to grab food and drinks. They all pile things onto their plates and sit quietly heads bowed not moving an inch. I look down as well as Alpha Almores walks in. Yeah, I'm not allowed to call him dad or father. Only Alpha. And no one is allowed to eat before he does. He considers it disrespectful.
'What's disrespectful is how he treats his only heir.' Nyla growls in my head. I smile softly in agreement. Sadly, not much I can do about that part. I watch keeping my face hidden through my hair as he looks around glaring at me in disgust making me fight to not roll my eyes before he grabs a plate and piles food onto it sitting down.
"Today will be warrior training and there will be a pack meeting tonight to discuss a rogue problem," Alpha announces before eating his food quietly. I can see the confusion written on the pack's faces as they also begin to dig into their food. It doesn't take long before everyone is finished and gone. Leaving behind a lovely mess for me to clean. I don't move from my spot though. HE is still seated. I made that mistake once..that landed me with a week in the cells and with that horrid guard. I shudder in disgust.
"I am only saying this once. You will not attend the pack meeting. You will clean the pack house and make it spotless in time for dinner, and I do not want to hear about any issues involving you. Understood?" I hear him order me. I keep my head down but nod. Tensing as I hear the scraping of the chair go back, and within seconds he is in front of me pinning me to the wall by my throat. His dark blue eyes I used to admire as a child. So cold and detached.
"Am I understood?!"He growls out. I nod once again. Refusing to speak, I haven't spoken since I was 8 years old. I will not start now. I can feel Nyla becoming angry as he tries to intimidate me. He growls warningly before dropping me to the floor and walking away. I rub my neck sighing internally before collecting myself off the floor and begin to clean the kitchen making it spotless again.
"When will you let me put him in his place?! We are Alpha blood as well. We can take him! I'm tired of everyone here thinking they can fucking use us!" I bite my lip and shrug. You know we can't until we are 18. Two more days that is all we need.
"What if we run tonight during the pack meeting and hide out in no man's land until our birthday then go to a different pack?" I listen to her proposition as I finish up the kitchen and move on to the living room. I mean, the only issue is that no man's land is covered with rogues and that can be dangerous.
"What if we did what that girl did in the movie and hide in a tree!" Nyla exclaims excitedly. Before you get excited, no I am not allowed to watch tv but sometimes I'll catch scenes from whatever my pack mates are watching. I think this one was called..Cougar games..? Power games..? Well, either way, we could try that yes. I chew my lip as I work in the living room going over my plan with Nyla. Not realizing where I'm going I bump into someone and immediately look down realizing what happened.
"Listen you little shit, Pay attention to where you're walking. I just got this shirt." Beta Charles snarls at me. I nod but remain looking down. I am not allowed to look at those of the pack. It is disrespectful.
"More like they should bow down to us as they are the disrespectful ones." I bite back a smile as I hear Nyla's words in my mind. Thankfully, the Beta doesn't notice and leaves the room. Letting out a sigh of relief I finish my chores and run up to my room/attic.
~~~~~~Time skip by donuts~~~~~~~
I finish packing my bag. I don't own much really, a couple pairs of outfits, a toothbrush, and a couple of picture books I stole from the nursery. I can't read but I can still look at the pictures.
"If we are going to leave we should do it now before the meeting ends." I hear Nyla warn, I nod in agreement and breathe deeply grabbing my bag I move towards the small window and open it. Looking out, I breathe in the fresh air. For a rotten pack, we do have a beautiful territory.  It's kinda ironic. I jump out the window shifting into Nyla mid-jump. Landing on all four paws I shake out my fur. "With how weak we are I am unsure how long I can keep us shifted so we better move now." I nod and give her control. I have a beautiful midnight black wolf with the tips of my ears being the only giveaway in the night. One is pure white and the other silver. I've never seen any other wolf with these unique markings...then again I've never really seen any other wolf. I zone back into reality when I feel the pull of the pack break. I sigh in relief and relax as Nyla prances around racing across the border.
"WERE FREE!!! WE ARE FINALLY FREE!!" I wince as she screams howling at the sky. Yes, I get it but do you have to scream our position? She stops mid-howl but keeps racing. "Fine fine. Not like I helped save your ass or anything." Sighing I roll my eyes. Look, let's find a place to rest. I can tell we won't be able to run much farther.
"Understood. Rest, I will keep us safe and go as far as I can." Nestling back into my mind I begin to fall asleep. Thanking the goddess for giving me such an amazing wolf.

So, here's Chapter one...what do we think?

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