Chapter Two: New adventure

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I begin to stir, looking through my wolfe's eyes I remember where we are. As I feel her slow down I begin to panic hearing a low growl in the distance.
"Okay, I just wanna say, don't panic. We made it decently into no man's land but there is a slight problem." Nyla tried to comfort me but it didn't do much. How many? How do we survive this? How much longer until we can reach a pack's territory? My mind is jumbled with racing questions. Nyla whimpers quietly unsure what to do as we have no training and are already weak enough as it is.
'Can we survive this?' I ask her. She lowers herself to the dirt looking around slowly.
'I don't know, I'm gonna give you control while I try n lend you all of my strength. There is a pack territory nearby. If we can make it there we will be safe!' She sounded so sure..but what if this pack is no different? Or even worse?
'Just trust me Sky. Something is telling me we will be safe there." I stand up and go to move but realize only then there are three wolves creeping toward me. Two russet brown wolves and a gray wolf. All three's fur have missing patches and looks matted. I scrunch my nose letting out a warning growl.
"Lookee here! Finally, a decent meal. What do you think breach?" The gray one barks a laugh as one of the russets speaks. They all growl at me and I try to calculate the odds of fighting all of them. But that's when I painfully realize how weak my body is. The rogues continue to stalk towards me getting closer while trying to taunt me.
"We need to run, Sky. Run to the pack land. Hurry, I have no desire of being a chew toy for these assholes." I hear Nyla talk to me. I focus on scents and smell the borderline of a pack not too far from where we are. I wait until they are within paw length of me and bolt through the trees toward the pack land. I hear their thundering paw steps as they chase me down snarling and growling.  But I don't stop...I can't stop.
"C'mon Sky. Were almost the-" Nyla gets cut off and I cry out in pain as one of the rogues nipped my hindleg. He clamped down making me slow down trying to keep moving. I swipe at his face. Managing to claw right over his eye. He howls and lets go. I immediately get back up n begin running or well, limping in this case. I whimpered knowing I am bleeding. Fuckin hell. I couldn't even tell if I was close to the pack lands or not! I let out a grunt as I was body-slammed to the ground. Growling I look up weakly, it was one of the russet rogues. He snarled at me aiming for my neck. Knowing I am too weak and outmatched I lay there closing my eyes. I'm sorry Nyla. I'm sorry future mates. I feel the rogue's jaws clamp around my neck and I let out a guttural whine. Whimpering I just lay there. As I feel all three of them nipping and toying with my wolf. I feel myself slowly slipping, when I hear howling...they must have brought back up. At least I'm useful in the end, even if it's as food. I slip further and further until all the sounds dissipate. I feel so warm. Wait...the fuck? I'm dead why do I feel..warm? I open my eyes and gasp looking around. I'm in the meadow from my dreams! It's filled with tiger Lillies, daisies, and tulips. So many beautiful flowers. Wait, how did I get here?
"Hello, young one." I jump from the voice and turn to see a beautiful woman. She floated near me as if gliding over the flowers. She had long black hair and piercing pink eyes. She looked ethereal.
"Who are you? Where am I? I thought I was dead. Am I dead? I should be dead. I was just being chewed on like a dog toy." I flooded her with questions and froze as she smiled gently and laughed softly. Her laugh was so pretty.
"My child, I am what you mortals call the Moon Goddess. And you Sky, are in my garden. I watched your sad life. And even watched it as it came to an end. Sadly, there wasn't any way I could interfere. It was your path in life. However, you are here because I can offer you a choice. You can either stay with me. Until you are reincarnated. Or, I can place you back into the real world. Where you will be saved." I stare at her awestruck. I could barely process all of what she was saying.
"Wait! You are telling me. You sat there from your throne or whatever the hell you sit on...if you sit. Do you sit? Do you even stand? Anyways! You watched me live through all of that abuse and pain! You didn't do anything about it! And now you're wanting me to relive it again? Why would I go back down there and just keep living my life as a doormat for everyone?" She smiles softly and rests her hand on my shoulder. I look up at her not realizing I'm crying until she gently wipes away my tears.
"Oh, Sky. I know you have so many questions. And know more than a lifetime of pain. But you are very strong. I will not make you go back. But I will advise that you think about it. I know it will be difficult. But I promise what is waiting for you in the real world, will be worth it." She explains calmly. I nod and sigh.
"Okay. I will go back then. But what if I just die again? I mean when I died, I was being eaten by a bunch of rogues. " I say scrunching my nose. She smiles and nods.
"Do not worry my child. You are safe there now. Now that you made your decision. I will send you back. I can heal the major injuries however, the rest will take time. Just like your heart and your mind. "I listen fervently as I notice she is fading. I stand up quickly and try to chase her but realize I'm also fading. I come to gasping and open my eyes. I wince as my body feels like it's been run over. Trying to stand I growl as a paw is placed gently on me. I look up and two wolves are standing over me. Giant wolves. I growl weakly trying to move away. The two wolves lay down whining. One is pure white with a black tail. The other has a beautiful silver coat with black on the tip of his tail. They both share bright blue eyes. I whimper in pain. One of them shifts and I try not to ogle. Who the fuck birthed this perfect greek god of a man. I try to lift my head and growl again as he gets closer but wince as I'm in too much pain and my head falls back to the ground. The other wolf still laying there watching. The man stops putting up his hands.
"Hi, little one. It's okay. I'm not here to hurt you. My brother and I were on patrol when we saw rogues on top of you. We chased them away and thought we came too late. You need a pack doctor. Can I pick you up?" I nearly groaned as I heard his deep voice talk. Hottie number one. That's his new name. Wait,! I can't be a slave again. I need to get out of here. I whimper trying to stand and wince as I fall back down.
'Sky, breathe. You're okay. They are our mates. Were both weak. Please, let them help us. Trust me.' I sigh and nod. Hottie one gently picked me up and I whimpered in pain trying not to squirm too much. The minute he touched me though, it was like it eased the pain. The other wolf trotted behind us, as we walked through the woods.
"I apologize little one. I forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Xander. I am the smart, pretty, and amazing twin. This big burly wolf here is my twin, Dimitri." He lowers his voice like his twin won't hear him. "He is the not-so-pretty boring semi-intelligent one." I look over at Dimitri who growled in response to hot-Xander's comment. Xander just chuckled.
"He and I are the Alphas of the Crimson Pack. I know, you are too weak to tell us your name or shift for that matter. But, we have one of the best pack doctors around, don't worry you will be healed in no time!" He says enthusiastically. My eyes widen processing what he just said. They are both not only Alphas but Alphas to the most ruthless pack around!? I didn't know much about other packs or much else for that matter, but I do remember hearing the elders tell the "good" children stories about them. I whimper and try to squirm out of his arms. I can't go any further. They are even worse than my old pack! Xander holds me tightly refusing to let go. I freeze as we come out of the tree line to what I am guessing is the pack house. It is fucking huge. It made my old packs look like a shed. They had a big ass yard with gardens. Children and teens running around playing. Xander relaxed. Dimitri raced forward disappearing inside the mansion. I whimpered trying to shrink myself in Xander's arms realizing that I was now the center of attention. Feeling even weaker I felt my eyes droop as I saw an older man walking out with a greek god. Before I pass out I hear a loud howl and feel my wolf going limp in Xander's arms in exhaustion.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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