New Beginnings

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As everyone came to huddle around, Susie and Maxi discussing how they had suspicions and knew all along, you all became so engulfed in the conversation that none of you heard Marcella yell cheerfully, "She can come back over in a few days, Mama!"

At such a high point in your just-beginning life, nothing could bring you down. Especially as the burly boy beside you snaked an arm protectively around your waist. This was something new, and something insanely enjoyable.

A small snore came from the corner of the room, giving away the position in which Marcella had fallen surrender to the sweet sensation of sleep. She had drifted off playing with Socko and Babette, both of them still laying limp in her arms and partially underneath the girl, afraid to move per the chances of getting caught. As an added disadvantage, Marcella's mother had previously entered the room to find her daughter asleep and promptly switched off the lights, causing the surroundings to be extremely dark. The young child's weight was unevenly distributed between the toys as her stomach and arms trapped them for what could end up being the remainder of the night.

"Huhuhu!" Raggedy Ann giggled from the opposing side of the playroom, lips outstretched in a large smile. "They're stuck," she whispered, amused. She, along with her brother, decided to watch from a higher viewpoint. Raggedy Andy took a running start and leapt from the ground to grasp the familiar windowsill. Using a single arm, really just to flex that he could and show off his strength to anyone watching, he pulled himself up onto the ivory-painted wooden sill, one hand to his head to hold his hat in place all the while. He then got down to his knees, the tint of an almost disconsolate and sad blue, a very feeling color, draped over his shoulders and back as he bent and lowered his torso to dangle an arm down for his sister. He looked flattering.

Ann, who had previously walked off to the side of the window to give her brother space to do his little stunt, daintily relocated to the area underneath the sill. She walked on the tips of her feet, padded shoes making inaudible puffs as stuffing squished. She bent her knees slightly, looking up into the eyes of Andy and caught hold of his hand, using both of her own to create a secure clutch.

"Up ya go," the boy breathed out as he seemingly effortlessly lifted another toy, which is the equivalent of an equal-weighted person, up by a single arm. "Thank you, Andy," the redhead whispered sweetly as she lowered herself to a loose and comfortable sitting position, letting her legs swing over the edge. Her male counterpart, however, rose to his feet and began scanning the blackened room for you. He had gotten lonely after you never returned to him; the both of you had parted ways to partake in separate games among the others. He supposed that either your game lasted longer in a different area of the room, or that you wanted some alone time. He didn't want to seem clingy or desperate to you, as that is known to drive people away, so he let you be. That was, until around two hours went by without word of you.

To the right of him, Marcella stirred in her sleep. He turned his head to her, as did his sister, for an extra focus on the only person who couldn't know that her playthings were alive.

She groaned and moved around slightly, only to reveal.. you! You wriggled your way up from completely underneath the girl's stomach to pop out between her arms, in the middle of Socko and Babette. Marcella eventually went limp once more, her breathing evening out and falling into the steady rhythm of sleep again.

Raggedies Andy and Ann both took on a perplexed facial expression, slightly different as they each used less or more of certain muscles, but still similar looking enough to plainly see that they're two sides of the same coin. Nearly the same side of the coin, if it weren't for the separate bodily structures they both possessed.

Raggedy Andy x Female Ragdoll Reader, Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now