🥀Chapter Forty Six🥀

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Mordechai Lenetti

I didn't get enough sleep last night. I kept tossing and turning because I was so sexually frustrated. At any other time I would've called Tifanny but I broke off the contract with her. She was getting on my nerves with everything she does and she new better than that.

But was it her I really wanted?

I thought about that for a while. The scene of the stripper continously replayed in my head as I imagined she was Vanessa. Something was going on with me and I needed to figure it out. It's like her image keeps popping up in my head ; the way she moved, talked, dressed and how she always manage to try and challenge me.

She was back at work today and my mind was in a different zone as if something unexpected will be happening. Upon entering the building I was greeted by Tifanny who stopped right infront of me. She was dressed in her usual short skirt, unbuttoned blouse and high heels attire. At one point those things would turn me on but not anymore. She was just trying too hard now.

"Good morning, you seem a bit under the weather today, is there anything I can help with?", she asked trying to sound seductive.

"No, am fine", I replied as I made my way past her and went to the elevator. I pressed the button for the top floor as I waited. I was stressed over the fact that my dad wanted me to get married as soon as possible and get kids. This was all too much. I do want him to see his dreams happen before his Alzheimers takes over fully, but his requests were just not possible. Well, not for now.

The elevator came to a stop and I walked out and made my way to her office. I didn't even knock as I enter and sure enough she was there sitting in the chair looking out of space. I didn't know how long I stood there watching her. Hearing her breathe ; my mouth opened but no words came out.

I was infront of the woman I was fantasizing about.

She turned and her eyes met mine. She studied me for a few seconds before breaking the silence.

Are you ok?", she asked as her eyes met mine. Why did she care? Of course I wasn't ok but as a man there are some things you just have to handle. She was dressed in a black skirt, white blouse and a black cardigan. Her hair was loose on her shoulders and I would be lying if I said she didn't look appealing.

"What makes you think am not ok Miss Collins?", I asked as I raised an eyebrow at her. She crossed her legs and released a small smile. It was surprising that I called her by her last name because I was use to calling her Vanessa.

"Back to formal names are we? Never mind. By the way is there something you need ; I want to get these documents sorted?", she replied as she pushed her chair closer to the computer.

I stared at her for a few seconds before turning and going towards the door. I had a mini battle with my mind trying to push away the first thought that came to my head. But I lost it. I locked the door before turning and taking a step towards her.

"You're pushing me Vanessa"

She looked at me confused but remained still in her seat. I wanted to stop myself but I couldn't. There was something about her that had me wrapped up and it was driving me crazy. I went closer and closer and when I close enough I placed a hand on either side of the chair.

She remained still which had me pleased knowing that she wasn't fighting back. I went past her face and went straight for her neck. There was a beauty spot present and kissed it. She smelled so good and I was getting turned on the more inhaled her scent. My hand travelled up to her neck and I gripped it slightly before putting my lips to her air.

"I don't know why I am attracted to you"

I could hear her shallow breathing and that's when I knew I had lost all control. I pulled her from the chair and pushed her onto the desk. I went for her lips the second as she grabbed onto my arms. I groaned as I pressed myself unto her body enjoying the feeling of her vulnerability. My hands gripped her waist tightly and I pushed my tongue in her mouth and dominated the kiss.

Her hands went to my hair and she pulled on it. I knew this was dangerous but at this moment I didn't care. Temptation was a devil and somehow I was possessed. I pushed the files off the desk and laid her body on it. My hand went to her leg then up under her skirt and she let me.


Why wasn't she pushing me away?

Her hands touched every inch of my body and I got even harder if that was even possible. My lips felt swollen but that was the least of my worries. I knew I had to stop this before it got really out of hand so I broke the kiss and pulled away. I stared at her for a few seconds before I got up and turned away.

I ran a hand through my hair. This cannot happen. I shouldn't have lost control like that. I should've held back.


I heard some shuffling and I knew she got up. I was still hard and it had no intentions of going down. If my father was to find out this happened I knew it wouldn't end well. This was for the best.

"Thie cannot happen", I say as I turned and looked at her. Her face became blank and she crossed her arms and glared at me.

"What cannot happen Mordechai?"

"This! Am not into you Vanessa...am not"

"Then keep your hands to yourself then. If am such a low class person and as you state you're not attracted to me, keep your hands and lips to yourself. I don't need a guy making a move on me, touching me and then acting like I'm nothing. From now on, leave my body be. That shouldn't be a problem since am so unattractive".

She turned and sat down leaving me completely stunned. I wanted to say something but my voice wouldn't let me. She didn't understand anything. She couldn't. I turned and walked out before I betrayed myself again. I went to the elevator and pressed the button to go down. I felt somewhat angry at her outburst.

'From now on, leave my body be. That shouldn't be a problem since am so unattractive'

Her words kept replaying in my head. Fuck. She had no idea what she does to me. The thoughts she placed in my head. Her body was driving my insane and I knew if I didn't stop, the office would've turned into a playroom. The state I would've had her in if things continued. I was beyond hard and frustrated.

The elevator came to a stop and I walked out. I saw Tifanny eyeing me but I just ignored her. Why does she have to be everywhere? I left the building went towards my car. I rolled up the windows and placed my head on the steering wheel.

What the hell was happening? Was it just lust or there was more? Does she have spell on me?.

I had never been so sexually frustrated before. Usually when I was turned on Tif would satisfy my every desires. But I didn't want her body...I wanted someone else's but I knew better than that. I wasn't going to sleep with some random woman so I had to help myself. I pushed the seat back so I could relax some more then I undid my belt.

I pulled down all my clothes and grabbed my dick. I moaned at the feeling. Somewhere in my mind I started play out scenarios of Vanessa leading me to my climax. These thoughts were dangerous but that's all they were, thoughts. I let them all free as I stroked myself harder and faster.

Pleasuring myself wasn't something I did myself. In this case, it was the only choice I had. I stroked and stroked until I finally came all over myself. It was alot but atleast I felt relieved. I exhaled as I relaxed in my seat.


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