My life

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I've been here for a few weeks now I've built quite some nests and I have gotten used to the stairs, to my surroundings and the girl wich I have discovered her name is Djenna. Oh and I have a name to ! She named me Pablo, I like it. Every night she gets me out and takes me to her bed. and I'll just sleep and she will just do something on her rectangle thing that makes noise. I also have a play pen how she calls it, it's something with bars, and she puts my big sand bath in there and a slightly smaller wheel and some tunnels so I can play.

I am running in my wheel when the door of my cage goes open I'm curious and go take a look. It's Djenna her hand reaches in to get me. She is holding me and is giving me millions of kisses I can't really do anything about so I just hang there in her hands. She puts me in my playpen but I'm tired and wanna sleep since it's day. So I just go in my sand bath to sleep. I wake up by Djenna picking me up and putting me back in my cage but before she actually puts me back she gives me loads more of kisses. Before she closes the door and walks out of the room I hear her calling : bye Pablo i love you. I turn around, walk to my nest, close my eyes and fall asleep. I wake up with the feeling of thirst. so I stand up and turn around but then I see Djenna's little brother I don't know his name, but he's looking in my cage I got a bit scared when i saw him because just all of the sudden he was there, so I screamed and he just made the weird noise Djenna always makes when I'm being clumsy again.

It's been about 1 month now maybe more maybe less I wouldn't know I'm just a hamster after all. The sun is shining and I hear Djenna waking up she's been home quite some time now and she only left her bedroom for short periods of time and she didn't sound like her anymore. She's coming over to my cage her hands reaches in and grabs me softly. I get a ton of kisses and she's talking to me I don't understand a word of what she is saying but that's alright. I hear her and her mom in the room a few times and then it's quiet and I can finally go to bed. It's been a few hours and I got woken up by Djenna coming in her room she lifts up my cage and scoops me out she kisses me again and is talking to me and then she puts me in the little green basket. I go right back to sleep because it's just as comfortable here just smells a bit less like me but that's okay. I hear Djenna in her room for a bit until I fall asleep.

All of the sudden the basket is moving. I hear Djenna walking and talking to me, and then we are somewhere else and the basket stops moving. I hear some more talking and then the basket moves again, we are outside. We go in the weird thing with wheels again. We start moving, I fall asleep and when I open my eyes i expect to be home again but we are not I'm a bit disappointed so I just go back to sleep. I wake up by the basket moving again, the weird thing with wheels is standing still. We go outside, I hear a door, we are inside. I hear a lot of new noises. I'm scared so I just stay hidden. Djenna is going somewhere I hear a door open. It's been a while when Djenna finally gets me out of the basket. She puts me back in my cage but still i smell a lot of different things. I walk up and down my cage and everything is about the same. I go to sleep.

I can't sleep anymore so I go over to my sandbath and take a bath. When I'm done i drink something. When I go upstairs my food is ready Djenna always makes sure I have food, and that I eat and drink.

I hear Djenna come into her room and she calls my name. She picks me up and tells me it's time to trim my nails. I hate it when she does this but she says it has to happen. When we get down her dad is waiting on the sofa with the nail file. Djenna hands me to her dad and he grabs me with two fingers around my neck a bit tight... maybe a bit to tight. My eyes feel like they are gonna shoot out of my head but all Djenna and her dad do is laugh. I open my mouth to get a little more air. It doesn't help everything turns pitch black.... I wake up on the dads lap, he is blowing in my face and pressing my chest softly until he sees I'm awake. He puts me on Djenna's lap she is crying, her tears are leaking on me. I crawl towards her hand laying on my lap, she puts it over me I feel her shaking. she slowly stops crying. I came to in the mean time. When I was there I started washing myself, wich clearly made Djenna happy because she made the weird noise with her mouth and gave me tons of kisses.

It's the next day and I feel good Djenna has been checking up on me quite a lot but I'm fine.

It's two months later and I don't feel so good...

The life of Pablo Where stories live. Discover now