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Morning, a beautiful sunny morning, the birds were singing, and the inhabitants of the inkwell were waking up

The sun's rays also began to make their way into some house to gently wake up the dozing lady

The girl, covered with a soft and cozy blanket, slowly opened her beautiful eyes and, yawning, just as slowly got out of bed

Standing up, she opened the curtains and the warm sunlight enveloped her

The girl smiled softly, watching what was happening outside the window

She recently moved to the town of Inkwell, but it seems to her that she lived there all her childhood, if only her parents could see all this city turmoil....

But they're far away now, too far away.... And there's nothing she can do about it....

With a sigh, she sat down on a chair next to the dresser, looked at herself in the mirror and began to comb her hair

It was not worth thinking about the bad now, especially on such a beautiful day

Having already combed her hair, and dressed properly, she went down to the first floor of her apartment with soft steps

And after going into the kitchen, she began to look in the refrigerator for ingredients for her favorite food that she usually ate in the morning


Finally, having cooked and already eaten, she knew that it was definitely not worth sitting at home just like that on such a beautiful day, so she opened the door and began her walk

The people in the Inkwell were kind and friendly, which pleased the girl very much

Many of them were in a hurry to work, while others were just walking like her

There were also many shops in the city, which she visited with pleasure

Of course, she didn't buy anything, but only looked at the goods with a smile on her face

Having already seen enough things in the store, she decided to go to the pastry shop, wondering what they could sell there

Upon entering, she was greeted by a wonderful aroma of cakes, pies and all sorts of other sweets

But most of all she liked the design of the confectionery, painted in pastel pink and white

There were lollipops and candies, and even an exclusive Willy Wonka chocolate

Having decided to buy one of them, you were going to the chocolate department when you suddenly heard...

???:No! You won't get this cookie jar until you pay!

???:But sir, we'll pay you later, we promise!

???:No more afterward! It's now or never!

You were surprised by such screams, and it seems that other buyers too, because they immediately fixed their eyes on such a scene:

//My sweet cup//-Cuphead × reader (Cuphead show) Where stories live. Discover now