Chapter 3: Meeting Luke Hemmings\\ Jessica's romance

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Jessica's POV

Finally...1st period was over. Now to 2nd period...


Damnn Lake was lucky. She met a really hot teacher.

Maybe I would... I highly doubt it.

When we got in we took a seat.

Someone was writing on the board. We all thought it was a random Junior so we ignored it and talked till the bell rang.

We all turned our attention to the person writing on the board.

When he had finished, he turned around.

Well fuck me! I almost fucking died.

He was just perfect.

He was tall, skinny, and had blonde hair.

He had on a black sweater, black ripped jeans and black vans.

Most of all he had the most stunning blue eyes.

I can't even!

" name is... Mr. Hemmings." He said.

I almost passed out.

All the girls were gawking at him.

I was in love instantly and if he found any of us attractive, I doubt it would be me.

"So today's lesson is English." He said, putting the chalk down and grabbing his book, before stepping in front of his desk.

"Please turn to page 487." He asked us.

There were pages flipping all over the place.

I got there pretty quickly.

"Now who would like to read?" He asked. Many hands flew up in the air. Mostly girls.

"Um how about you?" He asked, pointing at me.

"Me?" I asked, shook.

"Yes you." He said.

"But I didn't... raise my hand." I replied.

"I know, that's why I called on you."

"Um... okay... "The Hawks Nest." There once lived a bird in a Ne...Ne...Neck..." I began but couldn't quite figure out this world. Also I was nervous about reading in front of the new hot teacher.

"She obviously cant pronounce that word. Why did you even chose her? She's stupid." A girl in the room randomly called out.

I began to shut the book.

"She's not stupid, that was  very disrespectful. She's trying. That's what counts. Please continue Mrs.. Pugliese. The word is Necktatron." He smiled.

I began to blush with embarrassment but opened back up the book.

"Uh..uh okay." I said, and continued to read.

- Hey guys updating AGAIN! YAY

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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