Sleepy :')

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curled up on a cold morning, (yk those ones too cold to get out of bed so u simply stay there and accept it?) my hands wrapped around your back, slightly rubbing it whenever it gets colder or simply wants reassurance, sometimes taking my hands out to rub your back, the full length, or glaze my hands across your arms for that tingle, moving from your back up to your head and fiddling with your hair, braiding it, and twirling it around my finger. Your arms wrapped around my waist, grabbing tighter and pulling in from time to time. rubbing your hand up and down, drawing circles in the middle of my back from time to time. Me looking up and you looking down for no reason, then simply giggling at nothing. Me getting ready to fall asleep by cuddling in closer and pushing my head farther down in ur chest. You run your hands through my hair and twirl it while i fall asleep. and oh of course, my cat is there. he curls up ontop of us or between us as a form of comfort. Sometimes slightly moving your hand down to my thigh just to lay it there. 

(Im back lmao im sad and miss u) Finally falling asleep in your arms, face stuffed in your chest. Me slightly blushing and you falling asleep too. I groan a little and cuddle more into you, calming you down a bit and

Perfect. cold. day.

HI! ok, please, ik this is bad, i can make more situations if u want, actually i might if u want, i quite

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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