Part 1

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Steps were heard in a near by hall as a random person or the CEO of the company, Le Grand Paris soon stopped and turned to his office door, expecting no one inside it. The CEO opened his door and entered in and soon noticed something was off in his office. He looked at his office chair, that was turned around facing the away him, and soon chair turned around revealing a familiar blonde boy with a combed over hair hairstyle and glasses on. The CEO of the company looked at that blonde boy, who was wearing an office attired suit, in confusion while at the same time being surprised because of the unexpected visit, making that blonde guy smirk.
Adrien: hey there, Andre.
Adrien looks at Andre Bourgeois and smirks while both of his arms were on the armrest of the chair and his legs were crossed.
Andre: Mr. Lahiffe? What are you doing here?
Andre was confused. Adrien stood up and looks at Andre.
Adrien: oh, nothing much just taking something, that's going to be mine soon, I just need one last thing.
Adrien said in a devilish tone will his smirk slowly became widder. He walked near Andre's desk and kneeled down on one leg on the floor and went to one of the cabins of Andre which had the files to the company.
Andre: what are you doing, Mr. Lahiffe?
Andre suddenly got worried. Adrien ignored him and went down the cabin of Andre and opens it revealing a safe that has a lock, that can only be open by putting a code in it.
Adrien: what's the code?
Adrien said while still looking at the safe.
Andre: what?! Are you insane?! Do you think I will be telling you the code after trespassing in my company?! Get out of here before I call security on you!
Andre threatens Adrien while he quietly stands up and smirk at him.
Adrien: sure call them, I don't mind company.
Andre got furious and took out his phone and furiously calls security to come.
Andre: bring security here, right now!
Andreyelled at his phone and glared at Adrien.
Andre: you'll be behind bars after this!
Andre said while feeling a bit of victory in his side while Adrien just continues to smirk while he raised both of his hands up as an act.
Adrien: oh, I'm so scared.
Adrien said in an acting tone, making Andre annoyed.
Andre: ughh!
Andre groaned in anger while the door behind him open. He turned around and saw his two guards of security.
Andre: finally! Took you long enough! Get rid of this psychopath, right now!He pointed at Adrien while he just kept on smirking. Andre looked at his guards, waiting for them to do something about Adrien.
Andre: what are you waiting for?! Get him!
The two guards just kept quiet and soon Adrien spoke up and puts his hands down and stretched a bit because he raised his arms in a long time.
Adrein: ahh, that made my arms hurt.
Andre looks at Adrein confused while he removes his glasses.
Andre: what?
Andre was slightly surprised of Adrien, who was just calm about what's happening right now.
Adrien: ugh! These glasses are ugly.
Adrien puts his glasses on his chest pocket and finished up stretching his arms and looked at Andre and the guards.
Adrien: alright boys, it's time.
Adrien snaps his finger as a command for the two guards to follow the order. The guards removes their hat and mask that was covering their faces, revealing two familiar faces.
Andre: w-what the-
Andre was confused and slightly scared of the situation but he didn't know what's going to happen next. The guards tightly held each arm of Andre, making it slightly painful for him.
Andre: ow! What is the meaning of this?!
Andre struggled to get off the guards grips, making A slightly scoff.
Adrein: pathetic.
Adrein went closer to Andre and went infront of him.
Andre: who are you psychopaths?! Let go off me! Mr. Lahiffe!
Adrien smirked at Andre.
Adrien: well, first of all I'm not Mr. Lahiffe and second that's none of your business, old man.
Adrien said in a devilish tone while smirking.
Adrien: now that I answered all of your questions, how about helping me with the safe?
Andre looks at Adrein while feeling annoyed.
Andre: I would never!
Andre said in an angry tone while struggling because of the strong grips of the guards.
Adrien: you really don't want to talk? Fine then.
Adrein held out his hand.
Adrien: hey Mr. Lahiffe can borrow your phone?
Nino looks at Adrien, who was wearing the guard uniform, with a slightly annoyed face.
Nino: seriously dude, but sure whatever.
Nino takes out his phone using his other hand and gives it to Adrien. Adrien swiped and pressed on the screen, revealing a photo of someone precious to Andre. Adrien showed the photo to Andre, making his eyes widden in shock and worry.
Andre: w-why d-do-
Andre was cut off by Adrien, who looks at the picture and put it down.
Adrein: now, tell me the code or else your precious little daughter won't be safe from us.
Adrien slightly threatens Andre.
Andre: don't bring my daughter in to this! And what do you mean by us?! Are there more of you?!
Andre said in an angry tone while A smirked again.
Adrien: didn't you get it? Your "guards" are my companions.
Andre looked at his guards from left to right, who were still holding him.
Andre: you traitors!
Ab slightly yelled and one of the guards started to speak.
Luka: actually we aren't your real guards.
Luka said in a calm tone, who was also wearing the guard uniform as a disguise while Andre was still furious and annoyed.
Andre: what?! Where are they?!-
Andre was then stopped by Adrien's slight yelling.
Adrien: enough already!
Adrien took out his glasses from his chest pocket and snaps it in half using one hand, making a sharp edge sticking out, leaving the other part falling down. At the same time taking out the phone again with the picture while putting it infront of the picture near the neck, right infront of Andre.
Adrien: tell me the code, or else you know what's coming.
Adrien threatens Andre while tapping the broken glasses on the screen of the phone, making Ab frightened and feel defeat. Andre looks away from A while feeling slightly scared.
Andre: f-fine... I-it's 0617...
Andre said in a low tone, trying not to show any sign of fear. Andre puts down the phone and broken glasses on his pocket and went to the safe and type in the code. After typing the code the safe open, making Adrien smirk and nod at Luka and Nino, giving a sign of victory to them. Adrien takes the company papers from the safe and flips the papers. Adrien went back infront of Andre and smirks again while holding the papers.
Adrien: pleasure doing business to you. Mr. Bourgeois.
Adrien smirks and snaps his fingers again signaling his companions to let go of Andre. They soon lets go of Ab, making him silent and sit on the floor. Adrien, Nino and Luka soon started to leave, making Adrien walk in the middle while Nino and Luka were beside him, but soon Adrien stopped and said something without looking back, making Nino and Luka stops as well.
Adrien: oh and by the way, Andre
Adrien slightly turn his head. Making Andre turns his head and look at A.
Adrien : I'm the boss now...
Adrien smirked and contined to walk again, leaving Andre stunned. This is his everyday life as an secret con-artist for 10 years and being a model for 6 years and 7 years of being a CEO of Agrestella brand. At times Adrien is one of the reasons why famous companies go bankrupt for "no reason" or why some companies were "given" to him as an "token of appreciation" for being an good example or icon of Paris, including the Agrestella brand, kind of. With Adren, Nino and Luka. N closed the door behind them and left Andre on his office and walked back beside Andre.
Nino: yo, dude are you seriously going to do something about that old man's daughter?
Nino asked in curiosity while continuing to walk beside him.
Adrien: no, I wont do anything to her, I just did it so that he'll talk.
Adrien said while not looking at N.
Nino: ohhh.
Luka looks at Adrien while continuing to walk.
Luka: oh yeah, by the way boss after this mission, what's the next target?
Luka looks at Adrie while they entered an elevator. Adrien looks at Luka and pointed the CCTV cameras with his eyes.
Luka: don't worry, all the cameras are disabled.
Adrien nods and began to speak while the elevator started to close.
Adrien: well, I'm not really sure yet but I'll think of something soon.
The elevator then started to move down into a floor, making the doors open and someone hurriedly getting in the evelator, making that person bump on Adrien and fall down on the floor covering their face with their hair and dropping all their files and bag. Nino then went near them to help.
Nino: are you okay?!
Nino then went down on one knee on the floor and started helping the person pick up their things, not even worrying about Adrien, who was just standing there. Both Nino and that person picked up the things that fell on the ground while slowly getting closer to each other's hand, making it soon go on top of each others hand. The mysterious person looks up and moves her hair out off the way of their face, revealing a familiar face.

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