Part 2

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That person slightly felt embarrassed after what happened and stutters in nervousness while a bit of hair was still on their face.
Alya: o-oh uh h-hello.
Alya slightly stutter because of the unexpected touch and because of accidentally falling. Nino looks up at Alya, who had a bit of messy hair on and secretly blushed and immediately finished up picking up the things that fell down and stands up while Alya was still on the floor.
Nino: here, I'll help you up.
Nino takes out his hand, making Alya take it to stand up. Alya soon took his hand and stood up facing him.
Nino: o-oh and u-uh h-here.
Nino hands out the things that they he picked up from the floor and gives it back to Alya, who felt a bit of butterflies in her stomach.
Alya: o-oh, t-thank y-you.
Alya slightly blushed and stutter at Nino and soon took the things from his hands.
Nino: no problem Miss...?
Alya slightly smiled at Nino.
Alya: the name's Alya, nice to meet you Mister...?
Nino blushed again after seeing her smile and hearing her name.
Nino: Nino, Nino-
Nino was then interrupted by Adrien, who fake coughs to just stop the lovely dovey behaviour.
Adrien: are you guys done already?
Adrien slightly rolls his eyes while feeling slightly annoyed. Alya then looked at him for a moment and soon recognized him.
Alya: wait... Are you THE Adelin Agrestella?!
Alya said in a shock tone while Adrien just looked at her blankly.
Alya: omg! You are him! What brings you here in Le Grand?!
Alya said in excitement while the elevator started to ring, signaling that they are soon going to arrive at the floor that they are going to. Adrien blankly answers Alya.
Adrien: I took it.
Adrien said in a low blank tone, making Alya not hear it clearly.
Alya: I'm sorry I didn't really hear you properly can you say it again?
Alya then tried to tell Adrien to repeat what he said but soon the elevator doors started to open, making both Luka and Adrien go first and started the walk again, making Nino go last and leaving Alya in the elevator.
Alya: hey!
Alya was about to run after Adrien but Nino stopped her by grabbing her wrist, making her turn and look at him. Nino slightly blushed but soon shakes it off.
Nino: w-well, uhh my boss doesn't really like to talk a-a lot.
Nino slightly stuttered while looking at Alya.
Nino: I-i think it's best if you don't disturb him. He has a bit of a temper sometimes.
Nino lied because Adrien could hurt Alya after what happened, making Alya just agree.
Alya: o-oh, uhm okay then?
Alya said in a unsure tone. Nino soon lets go of Alya's wrist, making him feel a bit nervous again. Nino nervously looks back at Alya again, who was inside the elevator while he was outside it.
Nino: w-well, I'll see you around?
Nino slightly stutters and smiles at Alya.
Alya: oh, sure.
Alya smiles at Nino.
Alya: I'll see around, Nino, bye.
Alya waves her hand goodbye and the elevator started to close again in between Alya and Nino while Nino started feeling flustered. When the elevator fully closed Nino suddenly started panting.
Nino: oh god! (pant) That (pant) was (pant) close...
Nino pants while slightly leaning down on his back while his hand were on his thighs and sighs.
Nino: well, atleast I'll meet Alya-
Nino then suddenly realized something after mentioning Alya.
Nino: wait, I forgot to asked for her number! Dammit!
Nino face palms his face while feeling annoyed about what he did.
Nino: ugh! Seriously Nino. I how could you even be that dumb!
Nino said in a annoyed tone. He was about to hit head with his hand but somebody then made him pause and stop.
Luka: Nino! Are you coming or not?
Luka said from inside driver seat of the car. Nino then shakes off his thoughts and went to Luka and Adrien and quietly and quickly mumbles something.
Nino: I'll hit myself later!
Nino then immediately went to the car and entered in the backseat because Luka and Adrien were on the front.
Adrien: finally! You're done being lovey dovey with that oranged haired girl.
Nino slightly and playfully rolls his eyes.
Nino: whatever! You just don't know what it feels like.
Nino slightly daydreamed about Alya again, making A not really care.
Adrien: I'll never fall in love.
Adrien said with a bit of determination while Luka just listened and watched them from the driver seat talk and annoy each other.
Luka: so are we going to move or what?
Luka said while looking at the two.
Nino: yeah, yeah let's go.
Nino slightly and playfully rolls his eyes on Luka.
Luka: finally!
Luka goes back at the right position of the driver seat and began to drive. Meanwhile with Alya, who just arrived an hour later at her apartment. She opens the door and saw a familiar blue haired girl watching television while sitting on the couch.
Alya: hey girl I'm back.
Alya said as she enters in the door and closes it behind her.
Marinette: oh hey alya.
Marinette said while still busy watching television. Al playfully rolls her eyes.
Alya: is that how you greet your best friend?
Alya said while feeling annoyed while Marinette just kept on watching television.
Marinette: yeah.
Marinette said while still busy watching television. Alya soon went next to Marinette and crosses her arms as she looked at what she is watching.
Alya: what are you even watching?
Alya said as she look at M.
Marinette: oh this? It's a movie about prisoners and law and stuff like that.
Marinette said while still watching the movie because it was almost over. Marinette then scoffs.
Marinette: seriously! This guy's jail sentence was only 5 years! Mine was way, way worst than his.
Marinette continues to watch the movie while Alya just stood there and face palms her face while looking at her.
Alya: Marinette, it's just a movie.
Alya sighs and slides her hand done from her face.
Alya: how long were you again?
Marinette kept on watching the movie but still answers Alya without looking at her.
Marinette: 10 years.
Marinette straightly answers Alya, making Alya curious.
Alya: how did you go to jail anyway? I know that you would never kill anyone, right?
Marinette kept quiet and kept on watching the movie and ignoring Alya, making her sigh.
Alya: Marinette we've been friends since we were kids. Why aren't you telling me anything now-
After Alya finished her sentence Marinette immediately changed the topic.
Marinette: ugh! This movie is becoming so boring!
Marinette takes out the remote and changes the channel. Alya looks at Marinette and sighs again.
Alya: thinking(not again...)
Alya internally sighs again while suddenly hearing the news on television. Both Marinette and Alya looked at the television as breaking news came out, making the famous Nadja Chamack flash in the screen and report the news live on television.
Nadja: don't be amused it's just the news! I am Nadja Chamack reporting live about the sudden news of Adelin Agrestella receiving yet another of a token of appreciation from one of the most successful companies in paris! Here are the live footage of Andre Bourgeois, announcing his stepping down from his position being the CEO of Le Grand Paris and giving his position to Mr. Agrestella, the well known icon of ours.
The screen soon flashed, switching it with the footage of Andre, showing a clip of him standing with a stand and mic infront of him while some cameras were flashing around.
Andre: hello people of paris. I Andre Bourgeois here by declare my s-stepping down as CEO of Le Grand Paris and giving it up to A-adelin Agrestella as a token... O-of appreciation to show my s-sincere respect for being a good example to us a-all...
Andre slightly stuttered but soon hid it with an awkward smile at everyone and at the reporters, who were busy typing and clicking cameras at Andre. Marinette and Alya jaws dropped after hearing another company stepping down from their positions because of Adrien again.
Marinette: again?! This is like the third time already!
Marinette said in shock while Alya stood there surprised as well but soon realized and remembered what happened.
Alya: wait, is it that why he was at Le Grand like a few hours ago?!
Alya said in a shock tone while the screen soon flashed back at Nadja.
Nadja: alright folks you heard it! Adelin Agrestella again has a new company given to him. And once again l am Nadja Chamack reporting live in Paris. Stay tuned for more news, Nadja out!
The news soon stopped, leaving a random show play while still making Marinette and Alya surprised but Marinette slightly suspicious.
Alya: can't you believe this guy! He kept on having new companies. Isn't that just kind of weird?
Alya looked back at Marinette, who was slightly suspicious of Adrien.
Marinette: yeah... It is weird... Could there be a chance that he's plotting something?
Marinette said in curiosity while Al disagree with her.
Alya: no way! Plotting something? What could he even plot about that?
Alya strongly denies while Marinette still thinks that tere could be a possibility.
Marinette: there is a chance... But what if...
Marinette suddenly though of the unthinkable.
Marinette: he's... A criminal?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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