Hotel -Pt. 1-

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Abigail POV cuz I love her

I sat in the passenger seat of Jacobs car because he was driving us to the hotel we booked. It was Me, Jacob, Ryan, and Dylan is this damed car. The two have been making out in the back for whats felt like the enitre car ride! Nick, Emma, and Kaitlyn all went together and I believe are already at the hotel. I pull out my phone to ask.

A: "R U guys at the hotel already?"

I get a pretty fast reply.

E: "Yeah, it's really nice. We have connected hotel rooms"
E: "How r Dylan and Ryan :)"

It's like she fucking knew.

A: "If you meant do I regret going with Jacob and them instead of Kaitlyn and you two, I have many regrets."
E: "Hah. I knew you would"
A: "And you did nothing to convince me otherwise!?"
E: "I mean I tried 😬"
A: "We're almost there, 🖕"
E: "Can't wait to see you guys 💕"

We pull up to the hotel, and let me tell you I don't think I've exited a car any faster in my entire life. I see the three at the front of the hotel, I wave and they come over to the car. Nick and Emma come to the side of the car I was on.
I hug Emma. "Hey guys, what's up?" Dylan says, "You made my poor Abi sit and have to listen to you and Ryan make out the entire car ride," Emma says in a fake tone and everybody laughs. "Well sorry I haven't seen my boyfriend in a while," Dylan says innocently, smiling. "I could tell you missed me because you practically wouldn't let me go. " Ryan says, getting his bags from the trunk. "Are you complaining?" "No," "You better not be," Dylan smiles. walking behind the car to Ryan. 

"Can I get your bags, Abi?" Nick asks, "Uhm yeah! That'd be great! Thanks Nick!" I say as Emma interrupts, "Great!" She says as she starts to drag me into the hotel. "Don't worry, we have your guys' hotel keys," she says, as we get to the hotel room. 
We stand there for a minute as Emma takes out her hotel key, unlocking the door.
We step inside, and she was right! It is nice. There are two beds, a t.v., a minifridge and microwave, to my left is a bathroom, and to my right is two doors, one a closet, and the other, the door to the other room. I open the door and look in, it's basically a mirrored verison of the room I was just in. I hear the door to the other room open as I see the door to the room I'm currently in open. Kaitlyn and Jacob walk in. 

"Hey Abi," They both say at the same time. "Hey guys," I say, Jacob sets his bags next to the ones that were already in the room. "There are only four beds, I guess we have to figure out whose sleeping where," Kaitlyn says as all three of us walk into the other room. "So who is sleeping where?" Dylan asks after us three enter the room.
"Well, I'm guessing you and Ryan are gonna sleep in one bed, and so are me and Jacob. So that's two beds decided." Kaitlyn says and everyone mentioned seems to agree. "That just leaves Abi, Emma, and Nick, so you three figure that out," Kaitlyn says going to the other room with Jacob behind her, probably going to settle in.
Dylan and Ryan, with their bags, also go into the other room. 

"Okay, well, I guess Abi just has to choose whether she'd like to share a bed with me or you," Emma says, sitting down on the bed next to the sliding door that displayed the beautiful beach. I sit there and think for a minute. I'd like to share a bed with Nick. But we haven't talked in forever. I have no idea where our relationship stands. I think sharing with Emma would be the better option. Fuck I really don't know. "Uhh.." is all that comes out. "How about we figure it out when the time comes," Nick says setting my bags down. "Great idea!" I say, feeling a weight being lifted off of my shoulders. "Fine by me," Emma says, starting to unpack some of her things.

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