Your love is my drug

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!TW: honestly I don't think anything 🥱 Enjoy!

You stood at your locker opening it and stuffing your books and other papers into it. Your best friend Nancy was opening hers to. "So Steve invited me to a party tonight. *sigh* I know its not your thing but I was wondering if you could come with me?" Nancy said while turning and shutting her lock. I look up to the ceiling and back down at Nancy. "I don't know Nance.." I said hesitate at her offer. "Come on it will be really funnn" she said poking at my sides. I rolled my eyes at her and continued to deny. "Whatever I'm picking you up at 8." "Nancy what am I supposed to say to my mom?" "Just tell her your having a sleepover with me." She said and we walked are spread ways to our classes. 

————————-After school————————-

"We're home!" I tell mom my and make my way to my room. I slumped down looking at my hands and slowly taking off my bag. It was exactly 3:40pm this means you had 4 hours and 20 minutes to get ready. You waited a bit and looked at yourself in the mirror. Fuck it. You took a shower, did you hair, got into a cute outfit, and did your makeup. You put of a red top that suited you're body good and put a pair of jeans on. {you can chose whatever else you want}. You also added it with a pair of heels and a cute bag. You also put your hair half up half down. 

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Nancy pulls up in  your driveway honking as loud as she can. Fuck Nancy its 8pm. "Dear, Nancy is here!" Your mom says. You rush down the hall kissed your mom goodnight and got in the car with Nancy. She was crying. "What happened Nance." You said comforting me. "He called me and I could hear another girl in the background.." she said whimpering. "Are you sure it wasn't like some party thing girl." "No. She said why are you calling that bitch and then it hung up." She pulled out the driveway and I was in disbelief. I'm about to beat his ass.

——————At party———————-

"HARRINGTON!" You said stomping over to him. "What?" He said looking at you confused. You went up to him and slapped him. You here o's "Thats what you get for cheating on my best friend." You backslapped him this time. "Thats what you get for breaking her heart. And this-" you said as you went for it. "Is for being a dick!" You said as you then punched him in the face.

—————————-Part 2?——————————

Edited: June 14 2022.

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