#1 - after.

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Current set: after the explosion.
Current status: alive hambies.


  When they saw the oncoming flames, Gwi-nam and Cheong-san both thought they had finally seen the end. However it doesn't seem to have turned out that way?

  Cheong-san was the first to realize he had done the impossible, survive. The first attempt to open his one intact eye was a failure and was met with ashes. He jerked and let out a small sigh. When he tried to catch his breath he soon found out this wasn't going to be the place he was able to do it.

  Fire. Ash. Rubble. That's all this place was left to be. That's all his friends were left to be. Driven by anger Cheong-san shot up removing the dead bodies off top of him and ignoring the pain. He wondered who they were... maybe Gwi-nam? To be honest, Cheong-san didn't care about Gwi-nam anymore. If he did turn out alive as well, so be it. I guess a part of him has to thank Gwi-nam...? He is alive because he bit him. But the other part of him has nothing to say thank you to. When Cheong-san steps foot out of this building his feud with Gwi-nam, his association... its over.

  Cheong-san stumbled out of the building trying to breathe in the less toxic, but obviously still toxic, air. Everywhere he looked it was the same. Dark, grey, and depressing. As Cheong-san looked around and made sense of his whereabouts he found the pain became easier to deal with. It was probably since he became a hambie thanks to Gwi-nam. Cheong-san also started to come to terms that he had alot to deal with about his new identity. However, hambie or not, Cheong-san is still Cheong-san. Maybe if his friends made it out okay, he could find them and they would take him back.

Cheong-san knew no progress would be made if he didn't start to move. He tried looking around for any intact landmark that could tell him which direction the survivors camp was. There was a pretty noticeable tree and next to it was somewhat of a path? Cheong-san wondered over and noticed faint foot prints left in the earth. It very well could be left over zombie foot prints but at this point Cheong-san had nothing to lose, and incase Gwi-nam was alive, he needed to get far away so he can make sure he never sees him again.

  Cheong-san wondered down the path coming across dead zombies and probably even people who were trying to get to the camp in time. He hoped he didn't know any of them. He started to wonder about them. If they had a family or no, rich or poor, nice or mean. He soon stopped that train of thoughts, there's nothing he can do anymore to save anyone. It wasn't his job in the first place and it isnt his job now.

Cheong-san wondered down the path for at least five more minutes before he decided he needed to sit down. Realistically he has all the time in the world. Everything is on pause. Even if you're alive, you're stuck. You can't move. You're whole life has been torn away from you and you need to learn to cope before you can start moving again. Before the world can unpause, the people he knew that made out it need to find peace. Cheong-san himself needed to find that peace. Even as a hambie Cheong-san has to live day by day just like a regular human. Wake up, eat, sleep, repeat.

  Being drawn out of his train of thoughts, Cheong-san heard something moving in the existing woods behind him. If he has ever seen a movie he knows who it is. Gwi-nam. It has to be. If it is he wont even be surprised. Cheong-san turned around expecting to see the other one-eyed freak standing infront of him. Except... it wasn't? It was Nam-ra? Choi Nam-ra. Class president. Hambie.

"Cheong-san...?" Nam-ra said visibly confused. "I thought you died."

Before speaking Cheong-san had to stop and gather the sight infront of him. Nam-ra. He was assuming he would be met with Gwi-nam. Not someone he knew. This gave Cheong-san a new found sense of hope.

"I thought I died too." Cheong-san cleared his throat before speaking again. "I'm just too beautiful to die," He said trying to lighten the mood.

Nam-ra scoffed and shoved him in the shoulder. "You survived a bombing and yet you are still an idiot.... how did you survive anyway? On-jo will be happy."

Cheong-san looked down at the dirt. Even though Nam-ra was like him he couldn't bring himself to say what he was. Would the others accept him this way? Would On-jo...? Cheong-san reflected on the kiss he shared with her before they let each other go. It almost brought him to tears.

  "On-jo... she is okay?" Cheong-san said holding back tears, but also happy he managed swaying the subject away from him.

  "Of course. Last I checked, the others all made it to the camp safely." Nam-ra said with a small smile. "Were you worried about her?" Nam-ra wore a full smirk now.

Cheong-san ignored the teasing brought upon him by Nam-ra and started walking again. He noticed Nam-ra wasn't following. "Are you coming?" He said turning back to her.

"Well, I don't really know where you think you are going. If you are trying to get to the camp you are going the wrong way. That way is all bombed out, the camp is this way." Nam-ra finished her sentence and retreated back into the woods which she came from.

Cheong-san took that as the sign to follow her. As he followed he realized how easily she moved through the woods. No fear. Nam-ra is someone he secretly aspires to be.

The next few minutes of the walk were spent in almost complete silence. Cheong-san occasionally got the once over from Nam-ra because he was "being too clumsy" but that was it. Until he happened.



hi!!! this is my first time writing fanfiction in a while so please excuse any mistakes!! 😭 also if anyone does see this... is the cover goofy??? HELP.

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