Chapter 44: Forever Fall Forest

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After (Y/N) had entered the room, the girls were already beginning to wake and once they finished wiping away the sleep from their eyes, they ran up to him, showering him with love and affection as per usual. 

They quickly completed their morning rituals and headed to the cafeteria to eat as one large group, and during this meal Willow called (Y/N) to update him on her current situation. Firstly, she told him that everything had gone smoothly with Jacques although she did include that she could see the look of disappointment in his eyes when he saw that her and winter were still alive. 

The next thing she spoke about was the detailed information on the Dust shipment that would be heading through the Forever Fall Forest, telling him the departure time and location, the arrival time and location, pick up and drop offs, security measures, specific carrying amounts of each time of Dust, and everything in between. 

The information was extremely helpful for him to get a broader understanding of what he needed to do and what time he needed to do it, for starters the day that the entire thing would be going down on was tomorrow, Thursday the 16th of Sun (July), and he also decided that he needed to be at the trains departure, which would take place extremely early in the morning.

After taking the time to say a quick hello to everyone, Willow said her goodbyes and noted that she would be seeing them all soon enough, and soon after that everyone excitedly spoke about the upcoming tournament speaking a lot about their growing confidence in winning the entire thing, despite the fact that their sisters in love were competing. 

Scarlet simply enjoyed finally being a part of the whole and she wasn't shy at all to show it, quickly becoming one of the more physically affectionate lovers and showing that affection towards everyone. 

They quickly finished eating and spent a lot of time talking with one another about the weeks upcoming events before they eventually made their way to Glynda's room where they spent the vast majority of their time that day. 

Sometime after they arrived, Byakko and Lilith made a sudden appearance as they appeared in a flash of blue lightning that dispersed into the surrounding air. (Y/N) asked the duo what has happened between them, but they both remained tight lipped, however throughout the day he did notice that they seemed to have grown much closer.

As Weiss needed to complete a few things related to her registry, Glynda took her, Neo, Scarlet, and her loves clone on a trip across the campus, giving her a small tour of the Hope Building, telling her about all the central sights, and explaining the need-to-know buildings. 

As a final stop, she needed to bring her up to Ozpin's office for final registry and to keep up appearances since she was such a high-profile student, and of course (Y/N) opted out of following them up to the watch tower. 

However, he did give Glynda a message to give to the Headmaster from him and it was simply 'I look forward to having a discussion with you Ozma'. Glynda didn't understand the purpose of calling Ozpin Ozma, or provoking him with a message like this, but she was just the messenger, and she figured her intelligent lover would be thinking far ahead of herself with this message in particular.

Scarlet and Neo were just guests on the campus so they left Glynda and Weiss with their lover to head back to the room or enjoy the rest of the sights to see on the campus, and that is what they did for the rest of the day. As day turned to night, all the lovers met back up in (Y/N)'s temp room to wind down and fool around for a moment until they fell asleep draped over (Y/N)'s comforting body. 

Once he decided it was time to leave, Scarlet and Neo opted to go with him and his animal companions, so he left his clone in his spot, and they silently left Beacon for Vale the much safer way, going through the Hope Buildings exits. 

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