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 "ANNIE come here and help me do my hair please!"yelled Estelle. She was the only one I allowed to call me Annie.  I quickly ran to her room and started doing her hair.

 "Why do you want me to do your hair Stella?" I asked.

 "Percy is hosting a selection and he was freaking out about it then that made me nervous and you always calm me down." Answered Estelle. I was in shock. Percy Jackson was hosting a selection and I was freaking out. 


 I went to go answer the door and standing before me was Jason a palace Guard. 

"Annabeth Queen Sally needs you." He declared. I nodded. 

"Stella your mom needs me, I will come back later. Okay?" I asked. 

"Roger that." She laughed. I quickly ran to the 3rd floor and to Queen Sally's office. I Knocked on the door. 

"Come on it." She yelled. I walked in. 

"You wanted to see me?" I asked.

 "Yes, Percy is hosting a selection and I entered you in it." She squealed like a little girl. I was shocked. My best friend was hosting a selection and I could be his wife. I smiled.

 "Annabeth, he does like you not just as a friend you know right?" Asked Sally. I was amazed. I realized it now that I was definatly crushing on Percy.  Someone knocked on the door 3 times before Sally groaned and let them in. 

"Hey mom could I speak to Annabeth?" Asked Percy. 

"Of course, sweetie." Replied Sally. 

"I heard you were hosting a selection and if it is okay with you I would like to  enter." I asked gazing down at my feet for a second then met his eyes.  Sally already entered me but whatever. You can tell his face lit up at that news. 

"If you want you can enter you didn't have to ask me." He  responded. I let out a breath because I was holding in one apparently. 

"That is awesome because your mom already entered me." I laughed. He just burst out laughing. 

"Come to my room so we can start planning capture the flag strategies with Stella." Jestured Percy.  

Each year we have a kids only game of capture the flag. The teams this year are Percy, Estelle, and me VS Mark, Bobby, and Tyson.  

Once we got to Percy's room we all gather around his desk. Estelle said we need to claim the bottom floor of the house that way we can find nocks to hide the flag ahead of time. The actual game of captured the flag does not take place for a couple more weeks.

We agreed to this plan and ran to our head quarters and marked we claimed the insides. Our head quarters is Estelle's old playhouse that is one room and has 7ft tall ceilings! We saw the other team hasn't even  claimeda territory yet. 

We all cracked up at this and laughed.  We said we would meet same time next week. I walked out the  door to find Bobby crying in the hall.

"Bobby what's wrong?" I questioned. 

"Mom said that I was a Daddy's boy and I should be ashamed  but I am not so I want to talk someone but no one is available." Cried Bobby.  

"Would you be okay talking to Percy?" I suggested. He noded. I walked to Percy's room and ask if he could talk to Bobby about something. 

"Sure, I love the little dude." Was all he said. 

"Wait here." I scuried away to grab Bobby. 

"What happened Bobster? Asked Percy. 

"Mom said I was a daddy's boy and I should be ashamed." Cried Bobby. After that I walked out and went to go tell my maids that I am going to in Prince Percy's selection. 

As soon as I stepped through the door I was ambushed with questions about what I was going to wear. 

I yelled, "stop, and I have to wear dresses sadly."  My four maids all scurried off. My 4 maids are Piper, who is my best friend. Hazel who is dating Frank a palace guard. Calypso who is married to our handyman Leo. Finally, Maria who is shy but can do my makeup like magic. 

"Maria come here, please." I asked. She hurried over and asked what I needed. 

"Sit with me. You are probably the best makeup artist ever, even though your new you really do a fantastic job. So, thank you," I hugged her. 

"I know how I am going to do your makeup already" She laughed. 

"Lady Annabeth could Prince Percy see you?" Asked a guard. I nodded and walked to his room. 

"You wanted to see me seaweed brain?" I asked. Seaweed brain is the nickname I gave him at age 7 and he gave me the nick name wise girl. 

"Yeah we need to talk about Helen and Bobby." Answered Percy. 

"What did Bobby tell you?" I asked. 

"He said he felt like he murrdred someone and this is the fourth time this week she said something hurtful to him." Sighed Percy. 

"That sounds like Helen." I answered. 

"Is she always this hurtful?"Asked Percey.

 "Well, seaweed brain she has never been nice to me.  But never Bobby or Mark." I answered. 

"Well tell the twins they can see me at any time." Responded Percy. 

"Roger Seaweed brain!" I yelled. 

 "Yes captain wise girl!" He saluted. I walked out of the room laughing. 

As soon as I got back to my room I started reading the list of people who were coming for the selection. 

1. Rachel Corps

2. Lillian Ambrosia 

3. Thalia Marshall 

4. Drew buzz

5. Annabeth Chase (me)

6. Paisley herbs

7. Miller wolf

8. Izzy Eucker 

9. Rebecca ciricola 

10.  Emilia fangman

11. Madeline Clair 

12. Rylie Max

13. Tilly June cola

14. Sofia maliferina 

15. Charm violette 

16. Jane Norris 

17. Holly Williams 

18. Rain Hope

19. Thomas Yellowstone 

20. Amber California 

21. Sabre Upreti 

As I was reading the list I did the math and it should not last over a month. It was going to be a long month. 

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