Part 19

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After 1 weeks Pete dead and all the funeral handle by Macau and Main family.

Vegas still cannot accept about Pete is already dead. They don't know wht Vegas think, plans,  since he don't want to talk with anyone. Only Kinn know wht will Vegas do next.
All of the main and minor gather together discuss about to find who is kill Pete?

But Khun involve and said that person who is dead maybe not real Pete. But everyone just ignore what Khun said. Only Macau who sit beside Khun, focus about Khun said. Macau try to take Khun away from there.

Macau:Phi Khun? Wht do ur mean it not Pete?

Khun:of course!! i know it?

Macau:that's why i ask ur?  How did ur know it?

Khun:The mole?

Macau:what mole?

Khun:Pete have are mole behind his neck? But that person who is dead?  Don't have are mole!!!

Macau:Serius? I never see a mole at the behind pete neck?

Khun:of course ur don't see?  Ur need to lookkkk sooooooo closer behink his neck? And then ur will see a smalllll tinyyyyyyyy moleeeeeee?
Vegas who just talk a walk around there,  hear wht Macau and Khun talking about?  Vegas know it , that Pete have a mole behind his neck?

At the same time, Arm got the information about the enemy who kill Pete.

Tomorrow morning. All of them just arrive at the address that Arm give it.

Main and minor attack that place and kills all of the enemy. After all the enemy subordinates dead. They found the leader.

The leader said it not them who kill Pete, that night when they're otw going there,  they just got the attack too by unknown enemy? 

When they hear wht the leader said, they ask him another question. Sudden,  Macau shoot that leader without let the leader finish what he want to said?

Vegas. Who just saw what Macau do is so surprise? Not only Vegas,  all of people who witness that scene shock too. When all of them want to get out. Another clan attack them.

Main and minor cannot defeat the enemy who just came by, all of them traps at this place. Vegas just injured badly.

Enemy:Surrender already?  You're all lost this time?

Vegas:who are you?

Porsche:is that you who kill Pete that night?

Enemy:Pete? That Massimos? Of course not? Macau? Come here?  Stop acting?

Everyone looks at the Macau,  Macau just smile and go to the Enemy


Macau:don't think i stupid Vegas!!!
Porsche:you just betrayed ur brother?

Khun:how could ur Macau? Pete,  Vegas is really love ur so much! How could ur?

Enemy:woii insane boy! Didn't i told ur!! Is that not we!! who kill Pete!!

Vegas:Macau? How could you do this? Wht the enemy just give ur!!! that's make ur change like this?

Macau:Stop it already!! I know ur already know it!! The person who just dead is not Pete right!! Because ur just find out that person don't have a mole behind his neck! That why ur don't  go to the funeral right!!!


Khun:did ur know about that!!

Porsche:wait? I don't understand? Kinn?

Kinn:let's talk about this later?  Just settle about this Macau now?

Macau:Khun? Tq so much for giving me iformation?

Khun:damn ur Macau!! You play me huh!!!

Macau:all the main and minor family is stupid!! Stupid just like you father!! Filthy family!!

Vegas: MACAU!!!

kinn:wht the hell ur talking about Macau!! That ur father?!!

Vegas:Macau?  Come back here? Don't choose the wrong choice?

Macau:go to hell Vegas! Ur Macau who is baby already dead!!! And i'm is not ur Macau?!!

Enemy:enough!! Just kill all of

Vegas:what do you mean you are not Macau? Macau is dead? Wht?

Suddenly? Macau open his mask, that covered he face who just look alike Macau?  Yes?  That person is not Macau? That person is are enemy?

Main and Minor stunned to saw all of this?  How stupid of them don't ever Notice about that? That's why every move wht they're plans about get failed  .

Noticed :

That person who is fake Macau is the Ren,  cousin of Massimos. The Son by Mexsa and Monica.

Michael is biological father of Massimos. who is sacrifice his self to keep Ren save.

But just get kill by enemy?  Who is Mike. The son of Zach and Sarah.

Only Michael is biological son from Mex and Sarah . Mike is the son of Zach and Sarah!

Michael and Mike is step siblings,  have same mother is Sarah, but different father.

Mexsa and Michael is step siblings too. have are same father is Mex. But different  mother,

Ren and Massimos is ONLY the HEIR by Clan Black Eagle. Because Ren is son of Mexsa  and Massimos is son of Michael.]

But where is real Macau? Is Macau still alive or dead?  Where is real Pete?  Still alive or not? Is Vegas already know that person who just dead it not Pete?   But?  Why that person have that's ring? Where is the CIP?  who enemy that kill Pete at the night?  Is that person is real Pete or Fake pete?  ?

To be continue....

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