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Harry-Y/n's Crush, always kind towards her. Always has a bright ass smile on his face.

Y/n-Shortish blonde headed girl, nothing like her brother, sweet, kind and always helping people. Harry's Crush. Wares glasses kind like Harry

Hermione-Y/n's friend and dorm mate. Helps Y/n with the subjects she doesn't get. Always trying to get Y/n and Harry together

Ron-Y/n's friend, helps him study with the subjects that she does get. But Hermione mainly helps them both. Helps Harry with his feelings for Y/n

Draco-Y/n's brother and the one trying to get her and potter apart. Makes Y/n be friends with some of his hooligans. But Y/n is friends with Pansy and hangs out with her.

Pansy-Begs Y/n to help her and Draco get together. So by the end of the story expect 2 relationships

Draco's Sister||Harry Potter X Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now