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I woke from my unconsciousness and immediately choked upwards with a mouthful of blood. I fell to the side, one of my broken bones snapping as I permitted gravity to take the matter to the floor, and not back into my mouth. 

I wondered, then, what could possibly make me die. 

As I turned back I noticed my severely misshapen body and winced from the sight of it. I wasn't in any physical pain, but looking at myself made me feel nauseated. 

I gritted my teeth together as I stretched my body out, trying to relocate my joints and straighten my bones to allow them to heal. That must be some kind of benefit that comes along with this virus-- rapid healing -- otherwise I wouldn't have survived that fall.

Memories flooded back into my head as I noticed the foot of an unconscious man right in front of me. I followed the trail of the foot all the way along his disfigured body to his bloody and wounded face. His eyes were closed, his body jittering every once in a while, having nervous spasms that made me wonder if he was dead. But if I was not dead, neither was he. I didn't allow myself to have any hope. 

I quickly realized, though, that this was the perfect time to contain him somewhere if I chose to do something. While he was unconscious. But what would that do? Just make him angrier than he already is with me. I just couldn't tell who Gwi-Nam would want more by now -- me or Cheong-San. 

Where do I go from here? I felt as if I needed to take advantage of his vulnerability but now that I was in this situation I was stuck on what to do. 

Maybe the more humane thing to do was to go back up to the roof and check on them.

But did I really care about anyone on that roof besides Su-Hyeok? Not really.. I guess that I was just fearful towards the fact that he thinks I'm a monster now.

But you know what? Gwi-Nam is my only mission at the moment. It was worthless to care about saving something when I couldn't control what I was, nor could I tell him I wouldn't do such a thing again.

I wearily stood up and grabbed Gwi-Nam by the hand. I could effortlessly pull his weight, walking towards the entrance to the school. I pulled him up the stairs to the front doors. He remained unconscious. To keep him as far away from the roof as possible and hidden from any potential people who may find and release him, I dragged him into a classroom ridden with zombies. 

His hand began to twitch in mine as I opened the door to the supply closet. A thin girl wearing a pink sweater jumped up from her seat and swallowed visibly when she saw me and the unconscious man behind me. 

"Shit, you scared me," I mumbled.

She also immediately brought attention to the zombies, which I couldn't deal with right now. I had to tie him up before he woke up.

"Close the door," the girl screamed, shaking her head as she spoke in a bossy way. This immediately led me to distrust her, and I couldn't deal with her fear and bossiness. The zombies were against the door as she tried to shut it close, but their strength made it difficult for her; also, Gwi-Nam was in the doorway. 

I pulled him through so he was behind me now as I stared at the situation with the doorway. My gaze turned to the girl.

"Fuck this," I said as I grabbed her by the arm fiercely and dragged her closer to me, to which she screamed. Because of this action the zombies were able to open the door all the way, giving them access to the closet. With things like this, there was no way I'd be able to get how I wanted him in time. I shoved the girl towards the zombies, to which they all tackled her in satisfaction and I was able to shove the door closed.

I breathed heavily and kept my eyes on the closed door. 

"Badass," I heard the weak muffle of a voice behind me. "Should've saved her for us, though."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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