Hueningkai packed up his things and headed out the door as school ended, finding Soobin waiting for him. "Are you ready to go now?" Soobin asked. Hueningkai nodded. "Yupp, lets go, my sister told me to walk home by myself since she still has school" "oh, I'd walk home with you, but i have some place to be" Hueningkai smiled. "Thats fine" The two walked out the school, going seperate ways as Soobin said he had to go the other way.

Hueningkai walked down the sidewalk slowly, taking in his surroundings, and not failing to hear the small footsteps behind him. Hueningkai stopped and turned around, frowning at the person he saw. "Taehyun, why're you following me?" Taehyun looked up at the other. "I-im not, i swear! My house is near you and Soobin's complex!" He said. "Hey, how'd you know we lived there?" He asked.

"My house is across the street from the i always saw you guys playing there, though i only assumed you guys lived there since i always seen you guys leave in that direction" Taehyun said. "Ohhhh, wait your the boy who had curly hair and helped me tie my shoe that one time, right?" Taehyun nodded shyly. "Oh! I remember you!!" Hueningkai smiled. "Okay then, lets walk together" Taehyun nodded as Hueningkai wrapped an arm around the others shoulder.

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A few weeks had gone by, nothing too amazing had happened, just Hueningkai, Soobin and Taehyun hanging out with each other and getting to know each other more.

"Kai!" Hueningkai looked up at Taehyun, who had rushed over to the other, panick in his eyes. "Soobin hyung got into a fight with a transfer student!" Hueningkai shoved his pencils and papers in his bag, zipping it up and slipping it on. He followed Taehyun to where the fight was at. "Bet nobodys friends with you, loner!" The boy threw a punch at Soobin. "Shut up transfer, I do have friends, unlike you, newbie" Soobin jumped onto the boy and started punching him. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" Hueningkai screeched.

Everybody made way for the boy, some even leaving out of fear. Mad hueningkai was a bad Hueningkai. Hueningkai ran in and pulled them apart. "Kai..." Soobin looked at the other. "Why are you guys fighting, this is elementary, not some prison!" Hueningkai shouted. "Apologize, both of you, now" "Sorry for fighting you and calling you a newbie" Soobin muttered. The boy rolled his eyes. "Sorry for stating facts"

Hueningkai glared at the other boy and flicked his forehead. "A proper apology" "Ugh, sorry for fighting you" Hueningkai smiled. "Now hug" "What?!" The two exclaimed. "Kai, ANYTHING but to hug this fool!" "Do it or I'll report to the teachers" Hueningkai said sternly. "Fine.." Soobin looked at the boy and slowly made his way over to him, helping him up. Soobin looked up and down at the male. "What?" He said quietly. Soobin shook his head "lets just get this over with" Soobin pulled the male in for a hug, the other hugging back. "Great!" Hueningkai smiled and turned towards all the other students

"You all may leave now" Hueningkai said. "You two, up against the wall, now" The two didn't dare disobey and sat down at the wall. Hueningkai pulled out his mini first-aid kit out of his bag, placing it in the middle of the two boys. He patched Soobin uo before going to the other male. "Whats your name?" He asked. "Y-yeonjun" he said. He hissed as Hueningkai went over the cut with rubbing alcohol.

"Niceee, my names Hueningkai, the boy you just fought with is Soobin, and the dude standing over there with my bag is Taehyun, we should be friends" Hueningkai said. "What?!" Soobin exclaimed. Hueningkai looked at Soobin. "Be quiet, im still mad at you for getting into a fight with a student, hes new too!!" Hueningkai exclaimed. "The least you could do is befriend him" Hueningkai said. Soobin sighed. "Fine"

Hueningkai looked at Yeonjun, who was on verge of tears. "Oh no! Whats wrong??" Hueningkai said, hugging Yeonjun. "N-nobody has ever been so nice to me before..." Yeonjun sobbed. Soobin started feeling a bit bad for the other, it was his first day and he had already fought with him. "Dont worry, Soobin is normally really nice, but hes been in a weird mood since this morning, other than him, Taehyun is really sweet too!" Hueningkai smiled. Taehyun nodded.

"I..Im actually really sorry, i shouldnt have fought you, its your first day and your new and everything-" Yeonjun laughed at Soobin. "Its fine, i mean, i was the one who bumped into you" "But i was the one who made a big deal out of it, and i should know better than to take my anger out at other people" Soobin said. "Seriously, its fine" Soobin looked at Yeonjun. "So are we cool?" Yeonjun smiled at Soobin "Of course man!" Yeonjun held his fist out, Soobin also smiling and fist bumping the other.

"Great! We got that solved out, but i do wanna know, where have you transfered from Yeonjun?" Hueningkai asked. "America, i was there for a few years living with my cousins and i decided to come back to live with my parents." Yeonjun said. "Cool! I was born in America!" Hueningkai smiled.

"So you speak english?" "Yup! Fluent and all!!" "I can also speak a bit of english" Taehyun said, smiling. "Only understand" Soobin muttered. They all laughed at the male. "The bells about to ring soon, lets part ways now, byebye!" Hueningkai waved at Soobin and Yeonjun, who were headed the same direction, and pulled Taehyun along with him to class.

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