The casino

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My name is Ebony Clark. I am a time traveler. Correction; was. I have committed a multitude of crimes breaking the laws of time and possibly tearing apart the very fabric of time and space. But it's alright because at least everyone survived. Almost everyone.

Time: 10:47

Neon signs glare at me. I stare cautiously at the bright casino. I should hurry, the idiots at the STSF (Space Time Special Forces) will be here soon.  Sorry, guess I failed to mention; I've perhaps been convicted of the murder of my former partner. Yeah, I can't believe I used to work for the absolute morons at the STSF. I used to go around fixing anomalies and crap with my partner. No point in wasting time, I push open one of the large, bright doors leading into the casino. I immediately hear a plethora of conversations, there are a million people surrounding me. Some playing poker, others blackjack, etc. I bump into a waiter carrying glasses of champagne and dark wine. My main goal tonight: find Lucio Claremont. Mr. Lucio over here is known for being not only the boss of one of Vegas' main mob but also known around the time travel collection of criminals for committing a wide number of crimes against laws of time. He knows where I can find my escape. Based off of the possibly illegal inspection of his criminal files, he should be hanging around a poker table with his inner circle and likely a few other mobsters. I've been here many times, I know that there are going to be at least five poker tables in the VIP area alone. Oh yeah, he's also good friends with the casino owner so he can easily get into the VIP area. The only problem, how do I get in there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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