chapter 2

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Yoko chuckled "you see were something your kind likes to call soulmates," Yoko said "so what does saying your names do Kurama," I asked not realizing what I said Karasu was the one to hold him back this time "watch your words carefully," Karasu said "I'm so confused Shuichi please explain what they mean," I said Kuronue held him back "Karasu just told you to watch your words," Kuronue said I held my head this was all too much for me after a minute both Yoko and Shuichi came to there senses "saying are first names set off an instinct to what to mate with you so if your not careful and the others aren't around," Shuichi says "I get it so I'm just going to have to use different names for you guys," I said they nodded

I groaned in announce "I've always called you Yoko and that doesn't seem to set you off," I said Yoko nodded "I'm going with Yoko nick name for you," I said to Shuichi "I'm assuming that red" Shuichi said I nodded Yoko chuckled "do you have something for the other 2," Yoko asked "not at the moment," I said Yoko hummed "are you still not going to give us your name," Karasu asked "Layla," I said, "pretty name," Shuichi said "thank you," I said "don't be afraid of the other 3 they won't cause anything again," Shuichi said "I don't know how much I trust that" I muttered about a week goes passed and I hardly talked to them anymore I give short answers and mostly avoid them they seemed to catch on pretty quick also they seems to have forgotten why I knew this wasn't a fantasy this was real life I had to be careful I always had a crush on all 4 of them but this was life or death situation

One day while in the living room Shuichi just got word of something "guys we got a problem the longer we stay here the longer are world goes back in time meaning was going to have to do the dark tournament over again if we stay here any longer" Shuichi says he then looks at me "Layla the only way to get home is if you mate with us and agreed to come back with us spirit world can't reach us here" Shuichi says back my world froze 'mate with them' I think Karasu come up to me "we might not have lessoned and looked at the book on the book self" Karasu said sitting down on the couch on of his knees went into my lap keeping me still from moving or leaving while he leaned closer to me "we read the fanfictions Layla" Karasu said I start to blush they wouldn't kill me because I'm their only way home but I'm starting to deal used and once I mate and agree to go with them to there world's they just abandon me I can't survive there

Yoko came up behind me "if your worried about are world we will keep you safe if you agree but this world will forget about you" Yoko said memories flashed of my father and mother basically neglecting me my brother leaving when I needed him most my other one raping me my friend betraying me and so much more all though I hardly knew them and wasn't ready I did want out of here I looked back at Karasu he was quiet close to me all of a sudden I felt claws on my side I jumped a bit but couldn't go anywhere before of Karasu he prevented me from going anywhere "y-you brats" I said trying to keep in the moan from how good it feels "were still waiting on an answer" Karasu says I bight my lip if they stay here longer then they go back into time so much but I'm just not ready yet

Shuichi notices something "Layla your not ready are you" Shuichi asked I don't answer but the other 2 get off me this is how it goes for a while they tried to get me to mate with them but I just wasn't ready I needed time and to actually get to knew them more turns out I actually had one more soulmate and it turned out to be Sakyo this was out of hand because Karasu and Sakyo we're on the same team but didn't like each other Yoko and Kuronue are old teammates and Shuichi used to be combined with Yoko it was all a big mess cause it was constantly fighting in no time a years passed and I just couldn't bear the fighting anymore it hurt and I don't know why I ended up breaking down crying everyone immediately went silent Shuichi went to comfort me but I ran to my room locking myself in my room they tried getting it but couldn't

It took them about 3 hours to get in my room and by then I stopped crying I was just staring at the wall emotionless they confirmed me the best they could and promised to stop fighting and get along the best they could I feel asleep in one of there arms finally another year passed and they held true to there word they stopped fighting with each other and slowly I was growing closer to them they were even helping me train and finally I decided to was time to leave my home for good so one night while we were all watching a show I slid my hand down and started messing with Yoko he immediately felt pleasure go up his body he had to bight his hand to remain quiet I continued to tease him for a while then moved onto another one tell all of them were hard and needy I smirked and left to my room I quickly changed and awaited for them to enter my room with didn't take long about 8 minutes upon seeing me one lost control of himself and pounced on me

With just happened to be Yoko I smirked and messed with the tip of his tail making him moan my goal was to make them go crazy with desire to have me then say there names knowing I give all control what I didn't expect was for all of them to submit to me Yoko and Karasu  we're the ones to really resist and refused to be toped buy me as for the other 3 it was harder for them but they managed because of the other 2 and finally when I got them where I wanted I was about to say there names when I was kissed as soon as we parted I told them to hold on they did but not wanting to I took a deep breath and said each of there names knowing I set them off and as soon as the last name left they immediately took me as there mate it was a very pleasurable and painful night

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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